Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Strawberry Picking

We spent the entire week last week up at Stormy Lake, so I am back to trying to catch up on the blog!! We packed a lot of fun into the days leading up to our trip up north, so I have lots to put on here!!
We finally got to go strawberry picking with my friend Dixie and her kids. I waited way too long to go this year but needed to get some berries since we had just run out of strawberry jam. The kids love going and get really excited up until the point where they have picked about 10 berries and then they are ready to mess around with their friends and run wild. Knowing this, I went in with low expectations. This year as we were picking, I had flash backs to my first strawberry picking trip when Wyatt was 2 years old and Sadie was just about 3 months old. She slept in her carseat the entire time and I set it at the end of the row of berries...boy have we come a long ways!

Blake picked several berries and then parked himself next to Addi, which allowed me to go on a 'picking spree' while he was occupied!
Such a cutie!
So proud of their accomplishments

The sign of a good berry picker? Red stains on the mouth, shirt and hands!
And then he was off!!!!
The crew..most of them
I waited to pick until the Tuesday before we were to leave, so I ended up making the jam Wednesday evening until about 11pm. But thankfully several of us in my neighborhood were doing the same thing, so my neighbor Terri's husband made a 10pm run to the store to get more jars and SureJell for us all! What a lifesaver! And now my freezer is stocked with jam for another year!