Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pool Time!!!

The next day we were supposed to go visit my friend Steph at her kids and her in-laws place along the river in Hudson, but with the water levels being so high, they have no beach right now! So Steph and the kids came to our house and we headed up to the pool.
Sadie was so excited to see the girls and immediately jumped into "Mommy-mode"

(Steph, I have to apologize that I still can't tell these two the girls in the pics are either Elli or Claire...maybe someday I will get it straight!)
I think these next few pics are Claire...she loved walking around the pool and constantly looked like she would fall but never did. The girl has serious balance and coordination!
Steph and the girls
The boys...Charlie still had his floatie on from jumping in the big pool with Wyatt!
These two cracked us up. Charlie is about 9 months older than Blake, but the older they get, the closer in age they seem and they really had a blast together. My kids had some leftover chips from Wyatt's baseball game treats they handed out, so we brought them along and the kids went crazy over them (probably since neither Steph's kids nor my kids get to have DOritos or Cheetos very much).
Elli couldn't stop stuffing her mouth and Steph had to take away the food so the poor girl would actually chew it up!!

Claire was loving these goggles
The best pic we could get of the girls and I
And these boys again....I love the look on their faces!

Back home, while Steph and I made lunch, Sadie watched the girls. 
Even Blake got in on the action a bit....he looks at the girls like he thinks he is so much bigger than they are!! And he is bigger, but it's not like he's 10 years old and they are 1, which is how he seems to approach them. 
We had a great time with Steph and the kids and are excited to see them more now that they are living up in Hudson for the next month or so while Bill does a rotation in HCMC.


Lindsay Borland said...

oh these pics make me want to be there with you guys!!! August is ALMOST here!!!

Lindsay Borland said...

AND Sadie looks in her element with the girls :)

steph said...

Love these pictures kris!! You got them all right! The first couple pictures are Claire and then one of Ellie(she is in polka dots). What a funday! Thanks so much. Also love the Charlie and blake pics! Linds. Can't wait until you join us but brace yourself for craziness!!