Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stormy Lake--Part I

Well, it's been almost two weeks since we got back from our week up at Stormy Lake over the 4th of July and I have finally gone through all 694 pictures I took (that is no exaggeration), deleted some and picked just a few to post. We had a great time, as always, and each year gets to be even more enjoyable as the kids get older. This year, due to space constraints, our family rented a nearby cabin to stay in for the week. It was actually the cabin that Matt's family grew up staying in when Matt was a kid, so it brought back some fun memories!! The kids and I went up a few days early to enjoy some extra time up there before everyone else came up.

The best beach....sandy, no rocks and big!! 
Wyatt still loves making 'roads' everywhere...in the sand, carpet, blankets, etc. (anything that shows 'lines' in it when you drive a car over it repeatedly)
Ready, set, go!!
Matt's parent's hadn't tied down the raft yet, which provided endless hours of fun for the kids as they moved it all around and jumped off of it and back to the dock from it.
Sadie playing 'traffic director'
our jumper

our dancer
Blake was in heaven...complete freedom to go anywhere he wanted and test his physical skills against nature.

Mud fights!
And check this out!! This skeleton washed up one morning and the kids and I debated what it might be from. (I took the picture with my thumb next to it because I had texted the picture to Matt and he was initially guessing a much bigger animal, so I needed to show the scale of it....the consensus was rabbit or raccoon)