Thursday, June 28, 2012

Weekly Funnies

I am sure many of you, at one time in your life, read the comics (or as we called it, the 'funnies') section of your paper. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that, but I realize it's because I don't have a need for it. My kids provide plenty of humor on a regular basis. A few of the recent 'funnies' in our house:

Blake: "Mommy, my haircut's going away!"

Wyatt, in the car, speaking to Sadie after she had first asked him to put his window down because she was hot and then quickly asked him to put it back up, "Sadie, why do you get so cold so fast?" to which she responded very matter of factly, "That's just the way God made me!"

And then when the kids play upstairs in our loft area and they run across the hall, they say the usual "on your marks, get set, go". But the other evening when Matt and I were cleaning up the kitchen, we noticed that Blake wasn't saying it exactly right. Upon further examination, we realized he was saying, "Marcus, Ver-sed, go" (For those of you unfamiliar with medical terminology, versed is a drug given along with anesthesia to cause drowsiness, relieve anxiety and prevent any memory of the event.)

A few others that aren't necessarily 'funnies', but are insights into my kids' personalities.
Wyatt was asking me questions the other day about living out in the country and why we don't live in the country. He said, "Mommy, would you want to live in the country or the city?" And of course, I answered the city! But then I asked him and he said, "I want to live in the country. It's quieter and you have lots of places to play."
A few days later we were driving in the car and Wyatt, as he often does, was looking out his window quietly, thinking intensely about things. And clearly I am dying to get a glimpse inside that deep-thinking mind of his and on this rare day, he let me in. "Mom, see those fields out there? Wouldn't if be fun if we lived there. You and Sadie could do whatever you guys wanted and Daddy and Blake and I could all be together outside. Dad would drive the tractors around the field and Blake and I could follow him around and play all day."Poor kid will only get the field across the street from our house--that and my parents garden and our occasional trips out to Pennsylvania where Matt's grandpa lives (of which Wyatt is constantly asking us lately to go visit). Maybe someday Wyatt---someday!

And last night, as we were tucking the kids into bed, Matt went into Sadie's room and found her staring at her preschool class picture from this year. We have been talking about Kindergarten with her since we recently found out that our neighborhood is slated for afternoon kindergarten. She looked at Matt and said, "I just want to be in preschool forever. I loved Mrs. Hulse and it was so fun." And I truly think she may feel the same way even in 10 or 20 years. My sister loved preschool more than any other grade and still talks fondly about it. But Sadie, we can't play forever! We need to do a bit more learning as well!

Friday, June 22, 2012

No words

On our way to church on Sunday, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw this...

Cracked Matt and I up--sunglasses over the ears! That's got to feel good! (add in the bedhead in the back and it's a complete look!)


Last Friday, my good friend Jen Lundquist and I planned to spend the day together with all our kiddos. My kids are constantly asking when they can see Kael and Elli (and Blake is now asking when he can see Beckham!) so Jen and I have been trying to plan ahead and get a few dates on the calendar since we live about an hour and half away from each other. I think my kids are going through Lundquist withdrawal also because we didn't go on a vacation with them this year and my kids, even after a week together, could not get enough of their friends (which I am so thankful for!) Elli and Sadie have been bugging Jen and I about having a sleepover and thankfully Jen and I are on the same page about sleepovers--neither of us are crazy about them and have never let our kids have one (for several reasons). But these two precious girlies wore us down and we caved in--on several conditions!! We both talked to the kids about it and my kids were ecstatic, but Wyatt only wanted to do it if Kael could stay at our house. (I am thankful that he realizes he wouldn't like sleeping at someone else's house without his parents there, or else Jen or I could have been driving late at night across the cities to exchange kids!) But the kids thought it would be fun to have the boys and girls separate (as opposed to all at our house). So after we all hung out that morning, Jen took the girls back to their house and I took Kael and Wyatt to our house. When we were leaving each other after lunch, Jen looked at me and said, "I think you may have gotten the easier end of this deal!" And she was right! But she had a great time with the girls and they obviously had a lot of fun!!

As Jen wrote on her blog:These girls are about as silly as come be. They've dressed up in a princess and monkey costume, then switched costumes, played baby upstairs, played baby downstairs, put together a princess puzzle, asked for a snack (despite eating lunch approximately two hours prior), played chutes and ladders,and of course posed for my pictures to capture the darling girls' FIRST sleepover. It takes a lot of ideas to keep these girls occupied! 

After some Slip 'N Slide fun, dinner, and a quick shower, Jen put the girls to bed and let them watch a movie in bed!! Sadie is still talking about this! And they watched The Bee Movie, which we had not seen but Jen and I are both pretty particular about what we let our kids watch, so I knew it had to be good! And we watched it as a family yesterday and boy was it funny!
Beckham wants to join in!

Back at our house, the boys played every sport imaginable from the time we got home until dinner. Knee hockey, football, baseball, tennis, street hockey and a few others that I didn't recognize as real sports but involved some type of ball! I had to take this picture and send it to Jen since they are big Viking fans (Kael put it on himself without any prompting from us--I think he just wants to know what it's like to cheer for a SuperBowl Champion!)

The boys were so busy playing that I couldn't take many pictures....I took this one because I was so impressed with the game they came up with. The pitchback was located off to the right and they pretended it was the hitter. Kael was the pitcher and Wyatt was 1st base (they took turns between the two). Kael would pitch it to the pitchback and then they would play it like a live ball and try and get the guy out at 1st---they had such a great time and made me wish Wyatt had someone to play like this with him more often. Guess we will just have to have Kael sleepover more often. After dinner, Matt took the boys to get some ice cream down by the river and then came home to watch the Twins game on TV. They had so much fun, everyone slept great and we are excited for the possibility of another sleepover sometime in the future!
Breakfast in the morning out on the deck....fresh, hot croissants from Williams Sonoma (ok, these were for me but I had to share and they lived up to the hype!!) and some waffles.

Feed My Starving Children

Last Thursday, my friend Dixie and a few other moms in our neighborhood took our kids to Feed My Starving Children for the afternoon. If you haven't heard of this organization, I would highly recommend checking out their website. Basically, it's a christian nonprofit that seeks to feed malnourished children in over 70 countries around the world. The food is specially formulated for malnourished children as they found that when these children ate our american crackers, bread, cookies, etc it made them incredibly ill. So some incredibly smart people at General Mills and Cargill teamed up to come up with this special formula that volunteers (like us!!) pack into bags to be sent off. Over 93% of the food we pack is purchased through donations and then all the food is packed by volunteers. It's an amazing organization and Dixie and I were excited to take the kids as well as some of our neighbors who may or may not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Titus, Wyatt and Sadie's first time!! (Gotta love the hairnets!)
Dixie helping out some of the kids
Wyatt on 'rice' duty
Sadie on 'veggie' duty

In each bag, the ingredients are added in a specific order and specific amount of each...chicken, veggies, soy and rice. In this picture, Sadie is on veggies, Wyatt has soy and Titus has rice.
Each item is dumped into that funnel you see in the front of the picture into the special bags and then weighed and sealed--Jada (on the left) is holding the completed product
Our table--I love that both Jada and Sadie were dancing for the picture--classic them!
Wyatt on bag duty, calling out 'chicken!'
Titus was a perfect fit for the scale duty....he loves precision and each time would call out if we were too high, too low, or just right
Dixie and I are really praying that these boys are together in 2nd grade...they have been together since their BSF group in preschool and I don't know if they would know what to do without one another (or would Dixie and I would do without them being together! Although her youngest, Onyx, and Sadie will be in the same Kindergarten class!)
Our table with a Kevin and Andy--a few neighborhood kids we brought along
The kids trying a sample of what the food tastes like. Wyatt loved it! However, I had to explain to the kids that the children who receive this food only get one cup of it EACH DAY!! And they are so thankful for that one cup. In fact, they showed us a picture of a malnourished boy who was 7 years old (Wyatt and Titus' age) who weighed only 19lbs (that's what Wyatt weighed at 6 mos old!) After eating FMSC food for 6 months, he weighed 75 pounds and was smiling and healthy! What a blessing for us to be able to pack meals for these kids! And we packed enough to feed 45 children for a year--way to go kids!!

The long-awaited recital

Sadie's dance recital has been a long time coming. I mean, I am starting to hear the songs from her routines in my head at random times and have even caught myself on a few occasions singing them--out loud!! She was so excited to have my parents and my sister Mary Jo come to town just for her special performance, as well as a few good friends who made it to the show.
My parents came on Friday in time for the boys (minus Blake--someday buddy!) to go golfing while we ladies hung at home. Blake woke up from his nap and immediately wanted to snuggle with Nani..just look at how happy this boy is!!

My mom brought along a little gift for her, in honor of all her hard work

Getting nails done with the girls!

The big moment!!!

I have said it before, but she is such a great leader. When it comes to dance, she doesn't even realize that she is leading, but she just does her thing and other girls look to her to see what to do next and to gleam a bit of the abundant confidence God gave this girl. 

She did an amazing job and loved every minute of being on stage--the lights, cameras, movement, music. This girl is a natural.

After the recital with my good friend Dixie and her daughter Addi--they stopped by in between hockey and soccer practices, which meant so much both to Sadie and I! 
Pics with our tiny dancer
Even Wyatt got into the spirit of performance--but only until he realized someone might actually be watching him:)
Her flowers from Daddy

Her official dance picture

We came home and enjoyed a beautiful evening, grilling out with some great brats and burgers, corn on the cob and some amazing Spotted Cow beer from Wisconsin. What a day!
My kids love to 'cheers'
Sadie had to bring baby Maddie outside with us and feed her in her highchair while we all ate...notice the small bowl and spoon on her highchair. Oh yes...she dressed her in her new outfit from Nani and Pops and even Blake came over and took turns feeding her.

After dinner we played some baseball in the backyard. Matt got Wyatt a pitchback a few weeks ago and he has loved playing with it. Basically, it does what it's name throw the ball against it and it comes back at you. Matt and Wyatt like to play a game where one of them throws it and the other has to anticipate the angle it will come off and catch it before it hits the turned into an entire family game.
I didn't get a picture of everyone, but this was Wyatt's face when he saw Nani come out and join them. He was so surprised when he saw how well she can throw that ball--Nani's got some mad softball skills! I remember watching her and my dad play in co-ed church leagues as a kid and it was fun to tell Wyatt all about them.

On Sunday, we went to church and then headed to the pool. It was up in the upper 90s, so that's about all we could do! We packed a lunch and biked up there (the kids have learned that I won't drive up to the pool---it's only about a mile away, so Blake rides in the trailer and the kids bike. This time, however, the trailer was a bit heavier with all the towels and lunch for 8 of us!)
I didn't take many pics at the pool, but I had been thinking that this year would be the first year I would be able to relax at the pool when I took the kids up. Wyatt and Sadie are proficient swimmers and can hold their own in the big pool with their friends and Blake could be on his own in the kiddie pool. But then I remembered Blake's personality--he would never be content in a little kiddie pool--oh no! He has to be in the big pool just like the big kids. And the first time we went to the pool this year, he jumped right in the big pool--no fear. So I got him a flotation 'thingie' and he LOVES to swim back and forth between Matt and I or between the wall and me. I think I won't be relaxing at the pool until my kids are in high school and then, they might not even want me there!! And I will be longing for these days--so I will enjoy them while I can!

This was mom was soaking up a few rays and Blake just laid down next to her, head tilted back just like hers was!! Everyone else was in the pool so I had to take a picture to show them!!
I know some of you have asked to see the video from Sadie's recital and I will try and post it soon!!