Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I realized at Wyatt's last regular season game that I hadn't taken any pictures of him during the season. Partially it was because I missed several games due to coaching Sadie's soccer and I just plain didn't think about it. So on the hottest day of the season, of course, I remembered my camera!! It was about 95 degrees that night and SO humid! Poor Wyatt is just like me and does not like the heat. He couldn't believe he had to wear pants and tall socks in that heat, but Matt explained that all ball players wear it regardless of the temperature! I felt his pain, though! 

Blake loves trying out all the gear
And being with the big boys during warmups 
(Matt is on the right and he was playing catch with Wyatt, on the left side of the pic)
A 2-year old's favorite sandbox
I love watching the kids' faces as they look at Blake like, "What are you doing? You are clearly too little to be on our team." and Blake's responding look says, "What are you lookin' at?"
Wyatt's team listening to their coach's pregame pep talk!
Gettin' ready to bat
On deck
and up to bat!

And this is what Sadie does during Wyatt's games....she has a whole group of younger sisters of the players that she looks forward to seeing each game and this is what they were doing when I went to check on them at the park nearby (she looks forward to this more than her own soccer practices and games!) Yes, she is a social girl!

Matt was usually one of the base coaches and Wyatt always loves having him there
Coaching in the field with his #1 sidekick and Wyatt playing 1st base!
Such a big kid!
After each inning, Matt would have to drag Blake off the the end of every game, Blake was covered in dust from the field. But it kept him happy!
He's got a great swing!
Watching his teammates hit
Just a glimpse as to how hot it was...
Wyatt had a great coach, great team and a great season. We have his end of the year pizza party on Sunday, so I am sure we will have a few more pics to post then. But this year was a huge change from last year--the kids all were able to catch fly balls and actually make plays, getting kids out and holding our attention!! We are excited for next year when Wyatt will play one year of machine pitch before kid pitch starts the following year. And I have heard that that year is the roughest!