Monday, July 16, 2012

Twins Game--HOt, HoT, HOT!!

The same week that we had strawberry picking, Wyatt's Farm Camp, the end of baseball and soccer season, jam making and pool time with friends, we also had tickets to the Twins game on Sunday afternoon. And the heat index was over 100 degrees! The plan was to go to the game after church and then I was going to drive up to Stormy Lake that evening with the kids after we got home and Matt would join us Tuesday night. But we were too exhausted and left Monday morning instead---what a wonderful break it was, though, after such a busy week!

We were cookin'
After every home game on Sunday's, kids can stay after the game and run the bases. We hadn't done it yet with the kids so wouldn't you know that we had to pick the hottest game of the year to do it!!
This picture was taken from the warning track looking back at Target Field

Hot and tired, but we had a great time! Now time for Stormy!!