Thursday, June 28, 2012

Weekly Funnies

I am sure many of you, at one time in your life, read the comics (or as we called it, the 'funnies') section of your paper. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that, but I realize it's because I don't have a need for it. My kids provide plenty of humor on a regular basis. A few of the recent 'funnies' in our house:

Blake: "Mommy, my haircut's going away!"

Wyatt, in the car, speaking to Sadie after she had first asked him to put his window down because she was hot and then quickly asked him to put it back up, "Sadie, why do you get so cold so fast?" to which she responded very matter of factly, "That's just the way God made me!"

And then when the kids play upstairs in our loft area and they run across the hall, they say the usual "on your marks, get set, go". But the other evening when Matt and I were cleaning up the kitchen, we noticed that Blake wasn't saying it exactly right. Upon further examination, we realized he was saying, "Marcus, Ver-sed, go" (For those of you unfamiliar with medical terminology, versed is a drug given along with anesthesia to cause drowsiness, relieve anxiety and prevent any memory of the event.)

A few others that aren't necessarily 'funnies', but are insights into my kids' personalities.
Wyatt was asking me questions the other day about living out in the country and why we don't live in the country. He said, "Mommy, would you want to live in the country or the city?" And of course, I answered the city! But then I asked him and he said, "I want to live in the country. It's quieter and you have lots of places to play."
A few days later we were driving in the car and Wyatt, as he often does, was looking out his window quietly, thinking intensely about things. And clearly I am dying to get a glimpse inside that deep-thinking mind of his and on this rare day, he let me in. "Mom, see those fields out there? Wouldn't if be fun if we lived there. You and Sadie could do whatever you guys wanted and Daddy and Blake and I could all be together outside. Dad would drive the tractors around the field and Blake and I could follow him around and play all day."Poor kid will only get the field across the street from our house--that and my parents garden and our occasional trips out to Pennsylvania where Matt's grandpa lives (of which Wyatt is constantly asking us lately to go visit). Maybe someday Wyatt---someday!

And last night, as we were tucking the kids into bed, Matt went into Sadie's room and found her staring at her preschool class picture from this year. We have been talking about Kindergarten with her since we recently found out that our neighborhood is slated for afternoon kindergarten. She looked at Matt and said, "I just want to be in preschool forever. I loved Mrs. Hulse and it was so fun." And I truly think she may feel the same way even in 10 or 20 years. My sister loved preschool more than any other grade and still talks fondly about it. But Sadie, we can't play forever! We need to do a bit more learning as well!