Sunday, July 15, 2012

A decade in the books

yes, this will be a bit out of order, but I finally went through my phone and uploaded pics from our anniversary weekend. Yes, Matt and I just celebrated our 10th anniversary--hard to believe it's been a decade already! But before on go on and on about how amazing my husband is and what a great 10 years we've had, I'll recap our weekend. 
Several months ago we found out Matt would be taking his board exams (I believe this was Part IV--both oral and written) in Chicago on our 10th anniversary. Fitting, don't you think? Considering our entire lives together have revolved around Matt's career (after reading that, it sounds like I am bitter but I honestly am not....just couldn't figure out another way to word it!) 
I initially resigned myself to the idea that I wouldn't even be with Matt on our anniversary until a good friend of ours, Gretchen Merritt, said to me, "Why don't you go with?"
So we explored the option and MUCH THANKS to my in-laws and Auntie Cam who took the kids for the weekend up to Stormy Lake. The plans kind of came together at the last minute, so I didn't have a lot of time to plan much (and due to Matt's incredibly tight schedule for exams while we were there). I emailed and talked to a few good friends of ours who live or have lived in Chi-town for good restaurant recommendations and boy did they come through for us!! Several of the places our friends recommended were booked out for weekend reservations for months, but two of the three places we ate at had last minute cancellations! 
Our days there consisted of Matt taking exams from 8am-5pm and then dinner downtown. I slept in, worked out to my heart's content, read a lot, caught up on photo books, laid out by the pool (they actually had an outdoor pool!) and shopped a bit. It was wonderful but by the time Matt and I would meet up in the evenings, I was dying to talk to someone and he was exhausted from talking to examiners all day and had a hard time not analyzing his answers, their responses, and the results of the exam. So although we had a GREAT time in Chicago, it was nowhere near a blissful anniversary trip. But on to a few pics....
We ate our first dinner at Mastro's Steakhouse. Several friends had told us it was the best steak they had ever had and it definitely was!! But all the food was just amazing! We had a lobster roll (sushi) for an appetizer and then truffle gnocchi with our steaks as well as a bowl of lobster bisque (Matt LOVES lobster bisque and has had it at many places, but this topped them all). The steaks were served on 400 degree plates and were sizzling when they arrived at our table!
And then they brought out these amazing was some type of rum-soaked sponge cake that was delicious! 

The next night we went to dinner at a place called 'North Pond', which is literally inside of Lincoln Park--the park itself. It's an old ice-skating warming house that was converted into a craftsman-style restaurant that serves food grown by local farmers. Our friends who recommended this place have known several people to get engaged here and the setting couldn't be more perfect. It was very 'Frank Lloyd Wright'ish, which my husband loves, and the setting was far from stuffy--very casual and relaxed. 
When we opened our menus, we saw this at the top of the page!!! 
I had the grass-fed beef dish that came with a quinoa side and dressed with beets. And I LOVE beets, so this was a big hit with me. I also had a cold artichoke soup as a starter that was surprisingly good as well.
Another picture of my amazing meal. Makes my mouth water just looking at it!
And our dessert...
This is the view out the patio of North Pond and I couldn't resist asking someone to take our picture. This was on our actual anniversary, so I told Matt and I needed a picture of us together on the actual day! (All the pics from the weekend were taken on my phone since I didn't even think about bringing a camera, but they turned out just fine!)

On our last night in Chicago, we went to GT Fish & Oyster. And what a great evening it was!! First off, the decor was amazing. Click on this link and check out the pictures under the 'tour' tab on the left...seriously great style!! All glass windows/walls to the outside streets with a funky industrial yet classy style. So right off the bat we loved it! And we started off our meal with a bottle of champagne and some oysters. (Matt enjoys a good oyster and this was my first time!) Then Matt had the clam chowder (his favorite soup) and it was out of this world. Apparently they have won 'Best Clam Chowder' in Chicago for the last few years and it was just incredible! I had a corn soup which was also wonderful, but left me wishing I had ordered the clam chowder. I ate the fish tacos for my entree and Matt had the fish and chips---food that was definitely up our alley!!
We also both discovered two of our new favorite drinks...Matt tried this beer (Sorachi Ace) from a Brooklyn brewery that we have been attempting to find every since! And I tried one of GT Fish & Oyster's signature martini's called 'The Waitlist'. If you want to try it out, stop by our house! Matt got the recipe from the bartender and has perfected it!

And we topped off the evening with this banana cream pie that was unbelievable!! The creativity of great chefs and the way they pair tastes and textures is amazing and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

It is a bit hard to believe that Matt and I have been married for a decade. As we reflected on the past 10 years, we commented about how neither of us have done any one thing other than school for a decade. It is a long time, I suppose, but when everyone in our families is celebrating 35, 40 or 60+ years, it doesn't seem like much.
But a lot has happened and we probably won't experience a decade with as much change---lived in 5 different cities, 8 moves, 9 cars, 4 pregnancies, 3 kids, school, residency, fellowship, life after training and more joys than we can count. We have been so blessed. But none of it would have happened if it weren't for the Lord's providence in bringing Matt and I together when we least expected it. It was truly a whirlwind romance that caught us both by surprise. But it was also obvious to both of us that the Lord had brought us together in the most unlikely of circumstances and has confirmed, over and over through the years, that we were truly meant for one another. Matt just recently said, "I knew marriage would be great, but I didn't realize it would be this amazing." (And I don't say this because I think I am a great wife, but because I think it's a reflection of God's work in both of our lives prior to meeting one another.) We are so thankful, on a daily basis, for one another and how our marriage has helped us both to grow closer to Christ and to one another. It was a great weekend together and I am so thankful to be married to my best friend. Looking forward to the next 10!