Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just like Dad...

Wyatt relearning how to mow again....he did a bit last year so we were in need of a refresher course for the year. He hasn't mowed the entire lawn yet and still needs help with the edging, but Matt told him we would pay him $10 to mow the entire lawn....he has yet to take us up on the offer but in a few years he won't make any money mowing our lawn and it will be one of his chores, so he might want to take us up on the offer while it still stands! 
Big Smiles!!

Blake 'workin' on the bike
And this is what Blake's feet look like every night...and often times they are worse than this. This boy refuses to keep shoes on and has suffered several cuts as a result, but I just can't keep his shoes on him!!