Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Children's Farm

On Tuesday we went strawberry picking, Wednesday Wyatt had his baseball game and I made jam until my hands were nearly permanently red, Thursday we went to the pool with Steph and the kids and Friday Wyatt had his last day of farm was a busy week! But my kids LOVE farm camp and look forward to it each year. And this year was even better because Wyatt went with his good friend Titus, so what could be better. The last hour of the last day is Open Farm, so the boys got to show us around.
Getting ready to feed the animals with Onyx and Sadie
Riding Cinnamon

Wyatt and Titus were in the 'woodworking' themed camp, and Wyatt brought home some wonderful creations each day. Blake was quite anxious to do one on his own....notice he is holding the pencil with his left hand. We actually don't think he is a lefty, but is so used to copying everything his brother does that he just seems to gravitate towards it. Time will tell which 'hand' he truly is.
Such a good brother showing Blake where to go to feed the hens

I was actually amazed that Wyatt just walked right into the hen pen and fed them and filled their water, not being bothered by the hens all around him. And that is why I love farm camp, because when it comes to farm animals, I am such a city girl (and I hate to admit it, but it's true).
And Sadie loves all the animals, especially the kittens (I will admit they are cute, but I am perfectly content just to look at them).
I love these pictures of my friend Dixie and her son Titus!!!
..watering the garden...

One day the boys had to pick the potato bugs off the plants in the garden and Dixie and I didn't know what a potato bug looked like, so Titus showed her (Dixie is from a cattle farm in Kansas, so she is much more comfortable on a farm than I!)
Picking kids cannot wait until my parents raspberries are ready to be picked!!

When I am at farm camp, I can't help but look around and see photo opportunities.....the beauty of a farm and being in nature is not lost on me. So I try and sneak in a few photo opps!
Sadie and Onyx looking at the potato bugs in the jar
Eating a fresh raspberry
Dixie with her boys who were not interested in a picture at this point in time
I couldn't get a picture of Wyatt with his bird feeder because he was so hot and just wanted to cool off, so this was the best I could do!! He had a great week and is already looking forward to next year!