Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Stormy Lake--Part III

Due to various circumstances, Matt's parent's boat was in the shop during our time up at Stormy Lake. After a few days with no boat (which Matt reminded the kids was exactly how it was when he grew up since they never had a boat), my father-in-law decided to rent a pontoon boat so that we could at least get out on the lake a bit. So Wyatt and Papa took off on their bikes to meet the guy with the pontoon boat at the boat launch (hence the life jacket on Wyatt)
While the rest of us relaxed...Auntie Cam and Sadie
Blake attempted to walk out to the raft, but then it started to get a bit deep, Sadie jumped off and swam back in to him!
When she swam back out, she was ready to get on 'her stage' 
(I am convinced that whoever came up with the saying, "The world is your stage" must have had a child like Sadie!)
Keep in mind that the raft still hadn't been tied down, so Sadie and Auntie Cam started floating out a bit. But we all got distracted when a neighbor's remote control sailboat came by!!
Blake and Ozzie (Kyle and Christy's dog) eyeing one another
Oh boy....now what will they do??
Auntie Cam sure got her workout that day...
..and Sadie cheered her!! "Good job Auntie Cam!"
..just in time for the guys to get back with the pontoon boat...
..my kids thought it was the coolest thing!! "You can eat on it, walk around...whatever you want" they said!
So of course, we brought lunch out on the lake!
This was Blake's spot...right between the side of the boat and Papa
...sneaking some Coke

Part of the reason we also got a pontoon boat for a few days was to go around the lake and see if we could find my in-laws fishing boat that had disappeared somewhere on the lake during a recent storm. And sure enough, we found it!!!
Sadie pointing out a frog to Matt..
..so Wyatt kept focused on the task of getting the fishing boat back home.
See the frog??
...a real frog!! Not even a toad, which I assumed it was. Amazing how green they are!
Back at the cabin for some food...my kids love Grammy's treats up at Stormy (fruit snacks, Icee's, and JIF peanut butter--all the stuff they don't get at home!)

After lunch, my father-in-law participated in a sailboat race with several of the other sailors around the lake and Matt and Wyatt joined him as his crew. 

It was so beautiful to watch the sailboats across the lake...and I had to post this picture because I didn't realize when I took it, but I also captured a serious fall by this waterskier!!
Heading home after a solid 2nd place finish!
They were so hot--it was a hot day and although there is a breeze on the boat, they were also working hard and couldn't get cooled off until it was all over!!
Wyatt, such a great helper
After dinner, we headed back onto the pontoon for some coffee and dessert. And this family consumes a serious amount of coffee up at Stormy....it is constantly brewing!
Clearly, we aren't used to drinking it on a boat, though!
Such a beautiful night!
I couldn't help but take this picture...such beautiful colors and so peaceful.
Wyatt tried his hand at photography for a bit....
I'd say he did a great job!!!

Glasses switch-a-roo!
Just chillin'


Lindsay Borland said...

great pictures of your time at Stormy!! I love all the ones of Blakers, especially the ones of him on the boat by Mr Sorensen!

steph said...

love these pics. ok - we need to go to stormy with you all sometime. looks like an amazing place!! also - love seeing blake's antics, but it makes me nervous of what is to come. i just know claire and ellie are following in his footsteps!