Thursday, January 5, 2012

Visits with Santa

It was the Saturday before Christmas and my kids still hadn't gotten to see Santa. I didn't realize that they wanted to see him so badly, but both Wyatt and Sadie had mentioned to me that they still hadn't told Santa what they wanted. I had no plans to make a special trip to see Santa, so I wasn't exactly sure how it was going to work. But then Wyatt's hockey party saved the day!!!
One of the families on Wyatt's hockey team hosted a party for all the parents to get to know each other and for the kids to play together and in the middle of the evening, the doorbell rang and in walked Santa. The kids went crazy and loved it!!

(again, taken with my phone...thankfully the family who hosted took pictures of each of the kids with Santa and sent them to us!)
Sadie asked for a BB gun (not sure where that came from!)

And Wyatt asked for a remote-control car
Blake wasn't interested in getting too close and was already freaked out when he would hear W and S talk about Santa coming to our house...he would say, "No guy guy come". Wyatt and Sadie later commented that this was the real Santa, not just the fake ones, because his beard was real!! Hockey party saved the day for me!!