Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Part I

We drove home to Madison late on Thursday night after Matt got done with work and Wyatt got home from school. Thanks to my friend Dixie who took the kids to see Santa and his reindeer (the real ones) at the community center in our development, I was able to get everything packed up for over a week at home...and this year we didn't even take any winter gear with us because it was so warm and there wasn't any snow :(. We got to Madison around 10pm and attempted to get the kids to bed as quickly as possible (which ended up being like 11pm because there was just too much excitement in seeing Nani, Pops, Aunt Mary Jo and Cali--the dog, checking out all the gifts under the tree, seeing all the decorations, eating a few treats, etc.
Friday morning my dad took the kids to Clausen's bakery--an authentic Bavarian bakery near our house that I remember going to growing up. Since my parents are both German, it's also a fun place for my Dad to take the kids and point out some of the unique german foods.

I wanted to include this picture quickly because my Dad and aunt just had it digital remastered and it is of my great-great grandpa Bohlman. Jacob Bohlman (pronounced Yah-kOb) is sitting in the front row with his wife sitting on the other of their daughter. They had 5 children and moved here from Germany.....pretty cool to see my ancestors!! They seriously look German, don't they?! The serious scowl and all!

On to Clausen' Dad took all these at it was his special trip with the kids...check out the life-size gingerbread house!!

My Dad also took a video, so I am going to try and upload that later....check back later to see it.

After a relaxing morning and some serious naps, the boys (my Dad, Matt and Wyatt) went to the Wisconsin Badger Men's basketball game. My Dad had a ticket for Blake but I suggested he wait another one would have been able to enjoy the game with Blake along! Plus, he was exhausted. I was excited for Wyatt to go since just a few days earlier he had said to me, "Mom, I have never even been to a basketball game", saying that to a mother who played basketball her entire life and all 4 years in college just broke my heart!! How did it get to be that hockey has taken over as the predominant winter sport in our house?
Thankfully the game was a late-afternoon game so we all met up at our favorite sports bar downtown, the Nitty Gritty, and had some amazing cheese curds and Gritty burgers before coming home for the night.

Playing games...not sure what this game was, but they were having fun!

This was also a common scene over Christmas....skyping with Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Rob on the computer

Future gymnast maybe?
Then it was off to bed....Christmas Eve morning at Bohlmans was just around the corner!!


Lindsay Borland said...

i have been waiting for these Christmas updates!!! i just got on the computer to download all my pics and edit them before posting :) i promise there will be updates soon! love you!