Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Part II

Christmas Eve morning rolled around a bit earlier than we would have liked. The kids went to bed around 9pm and we thought for sure they would sleep until 7am....they had been exhausted from the day and we could hear them up in their room at my parent's house (Wyatt and Sadie) talking about Santa coming, hearing his sleigh and reindeer, what he would bring them, etc. But it wasn't Wyatt and Sadie that woke us up early....oh no, it was the Blakester....Matt and I both heard him on the monitor (he sleeps in the basement at my parents house and we are 2 floors above him) and my body was telling me it was just too early to get up. Sure enough, I rolled over and the clock said '5:00'....WAY too early. Matt went downstairs to try and calm him down and ended up laying down with him in the double bed in his room....I eventually fell back asleep only to have Sadie and Wyatt come in around 6:10....I told them to go back to bed and they couldn't get up until 7am. But since my room is right next to theirs, I couldn't get back to sleep as I heard them talking and giggling in anticipation of what awaited them downstairs. Matt crawled back in to our bed shortly after that and neither of us could sleep. So at 7am, we all got up and walked downstairs.

Matt's family always had a rule that all the kids had to gather on the steps while the parents made sure Santa did in fact come, so we have adopted the same rule....here were the kids waiting (Wyatt told me the flash was too bright so he was just going to close his eyes).

We missed you Lindsay and Rob!!

Of course we had to go get Blake up to join in on the fun....and the little stinker was still out cold!
Santa came!!!!!
Blake got an Aaron Rodgers jersey from Santa...

Wyatt got a Woodbury hockey sweatshirt and remote control car
And Sadie got a BB gun.....now before you laugh, let me tell you that she actually asked for this. I had heard her say, on several different occasions, that she asked Santa for a bb gun. So she got it....but when the kids came downstairs, her first reaction was, "Wyatt, Santa brought you a bb gun!" When Matt and I pointed out that it looked like it was for her and reminded her that she asked for one, she responded with, "Well I just asked for one because I knew Wyatt would like it"......such a sweet thing for her to do, but maybe she will remember that Santa actually brings what you ask for sometimes!! Thankfully she is so easy going that she then said, "Oh great! Now I can have a bb gun to share with my brothers."

And yes, her brothers were happy to try it out!

Oh yeah...and Santa brought Blake a football as well...check out that form!

Examining his stocking with the choo-choo train
Now onto our family's gifts....

Each of the kids got 3 gifts from Nani and Pops...Blake's first gift was a shopping cart, so of course Daddy and Pops were put right to work assembling yet another present.

...sick of waiting...

Sadie's first gift was Baby Alive, and boy was she thrilled!!

Finally assembled!

Wyatt's first gift....

The combat ship from CARS2....he had been eyeing that thing for months!

Blake also enjoyed the Baby Alive accessories

Matt got some new drill bits from my parents (each year my Dad adds to Matt's tool collection) and Blake was most excited about this gift....this kid LOVES tools.
He was so upset that he had to wait for Matt to open them up....

Finally out of the box!
Sadie was all set with her baby, my new purse and Blake's shopping cart

Mary Jo opening her new bluetooth from my parents
Blake so badly wanted some tools to play with, so Pops got him a scrap piece of wood and a hammer and he was so happy! He just sat and banged away

Blake's second gift....

(notice Matt's face)...yes, another gift that requires assembly!!
Sadie's 2nd gift was sticky tack----or as many of us call it 'poster putty'..she LOVES that stuff because her preschool teacher uses it and she associates it with being a teacher. So now she got her own for her classroom upstairs as well as her own pack of scotch tape (thanks, Mom, for getting her this because mine was all disappearing!)
Mary Jo opening her gift from Lindsay and Rob

Wyatt's 2nd gift....the movie!! And his 3rd gift is on the floor in front of him..the spy train from CARS2.
Blake taking his turn in the assembly process..

Sadie's 3rd gift was matching pajamas for Baby Maddy and herself
Don't you love Blake's use of the box?

Of course feeding Baby Alive and changing her poopy diaper were the most exciting things. Seriously, what could be more exciting than opening your doll's diaper to find yellow and green mush inside?!

The kids capped off the morning by watching CARS2 while we got brunch ready. (Wyatt was watching as well, but on the floor with his cars.)
We ate our traditional Christmas brunch and then everyone crashed. Naps all around! After naps, we headed to church and got a family picture afterwards.....
We missed you Lindsay and Rob!!