Friday, January 20, 2012

Blake's 2nd surgery

Last Monday Blake had his second surgery to put another set of tubes in his ears and to remove his adenoids. I didn't bring a camera with me, obviously, but I did take a few pics of him in his little hospital jammies....

passing the time....waiting for the surgeon to finish the case before us.

Post-op...everything went really well and unlike last year, he was really drowsy after the surgery. Last year he woke up really agitated and upset and it was hard to calm him down. But this time he was just really tired. They usually make you stay about an hour after surgery just to check stats and make sure they are eating and drinking ok, so we were able to spend most of the hour like this....

Once he did fully wake up, he was incredibly thirsty and initially bothered by the thing on his finger that measured his O2 saturation levels.

When I was able to convince him that it was cool to have a flashlight finger, he left it alone.
There's a smile!!!!
He was a champ and the recovery was pretty much nonexistent....we left around noon and he took a good nap that afternoon, and was back to his normal self that evening. The ENT was telling me that most kids do quite well with tubes and adenoids, often times because it provides relief from the constant pain they are used to....poor guy!! No wonder he's so tough! He was pretty excited to bring home the mask they used to sedate him with....he got to pick out the flavor of chapstick (bubble gum) that they coat the inside with. He showed Wyatt and Sadie and they thought it was so cool that he got to bring him it home, along with his little socks he got in the hospital!


Lindsay Borland said...

what a little trooper!