Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Part III

After church on Christmas Eve, we headed over to the Sorensens for appetizers and hanging out. We attempted to get the kids to bed at a decent time since Christmas morning, Part II would be happening in just a few short hours.

Luckily for my kids, Santa comes to both the Bohlman and Sorensen households...seriously, how does he do that???
At the Sorensen's, Santa brought all the kids new Bethel University gear.
(Blake loved the cake pops from Uncle Kyle and Aunt Christy)

Sadie also got some lip gloss from Santa and was excited to wear it while she passed out coffee to each of us
Still loving that cake pop
I had to include this picture because I hadn't gotten a picture of it yet and he does this all the time.....picking the fuzz out from in between his toes!
My mother-in-law made each of us girls a garment bag and matching toiletry bag. The kids loved how big they were and we joked that we could just being the kids in the bags with us when we travel.
Grammy and Papa got Sadie the bathtub she had been wanting for her Bitty Baby (Baby Maddie)
And matching robes for the boys

More fun with the garment bags

Blake got his own set of walking talkies (Wyatt had gotten a set earlier in the day) and could not wait for Uncle Ty to get them opened up!

Happy at last!

I have to say that opening presents with the Sorensens usually takes a few hours....we open a few, have some coffee and monkey bread and coffee cake, then open a few more....and then certain people in the family (who shall remain nameless) hoard their gifts until the very end, insisting that other people go first. With everyone insisting that others open before themselves, it can take a serious amount of time. I also have become keenly aware of the dislike many people have for the camera on Christmas morning, which is why there aren't more pictures on here.
The final gift of the morning was the only gift Matt and I gave the kids this year. It was a small bag under the tree with an ornament in it, a stuffed animal and several sheets of paper.
You can see the Mickey Mouse animal in Wyatt's lap (which was actually his that we took from his room--and he reminded us that he already this at home) and the ornament was in the shape of Mickey's ears.....
Each page was numbered on one side with words on the other side....Wyatt laid them out and then read each one as he turned them over....(1)WE (2)ARE (3)GOING (4)TO ........

The kids were so excited and thankfully we caught it all on video because it was quite difficult to take pictures of it all. Yes, we are going to Disney World for a week in February and we are all so excited!!! Can't wait....

..and one last picture of Blake, again playing with a tool!