Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Holidazzle 2011

We went to the Holidazzle parade on what was possibly the coldest night of the year. Now let me preface this by saying it was still about 20 degrees, but lately the temperatures have been up around 40, so it was a bit ironic that we waited until it was truly cold. But thankfully we did wait because Uncle Ty was able to join us for his 1st Holidazzle experience. He had just finished finals that friday morning and spent the weekend with us before heading home.

Squished like sardines with several thousand of our closest friends

Proof that I was there, since I am rarely in any pictures but taking most of them!
We went inside Barnes and Noble to get some warm drinks and meet up with our friends, the Bradleys. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of them because we were having so much fun talking!