Thursday, January 5, 2012

First official haircut

Shortly before we left to go home to Madison for Christmas, I took Blake in to get his first official haircut. I know a lot of people cut their own kids' hair, but growing up in a family of all girls never gave me many opportunities to learn how to cut a boy's hair. And while we Matt was in school and residency I did cut his, but only out of necessity. So Blake was due for a 'real' haircut that would actually be even all the way around his head and wouldn't be a struggle for Matt and I.

You can tell he is a 3rd child....he was SO excited to get a haircut like Wyatt and Sadie do. AND I didn't even bring my camera...just my phone. It wasn't really a planned event, but more of a stop in the midst of other errands.

It tickled him a bit, which he was a bit unsure of. But he really disliked seeing his own hair fall on the cape...still not sure why though.

His latest 'cheese' face.

He was most excited about the sucker at the end and talked about it the entire time. Such a big boy!