Friday, January 20, 2012


We have been waiting all winter for snow and it appears that we won't be getting much this winter. We have been waiting for many reasons....sledding, snow angels, snowmen, snow ball fights...but most of all for skiing. Wyatt got skis/boots/helmet for his birthday last year and he got to use them quite a bit last winter, but not this year! So we decided to just go regardless of there being real snow (yes, they do make snow every night, but it just isn't the same).

So much fun....can't wait to get Blake out there...possibly later this winter! But having 3 kids makes the chair lift situation interesting...any tips Steph or Bill??
Sades and I
We made the mistake of going the day after we did our 'kid swap' with our small group and had 9 kids at our house until 9:30pm the night before. Sadie was exhausted by noon so Matt drove her home quick and then came back and met Wyatt and I for lunch. Wyatt was still going strong at 3pm (we started at 9:30am) and was so upset that we were leaving. He did, however, crash once we got home and sleep for over 2 hours! Can't wait to get back out there.