Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A First and A Last--All in the Same Day

February 22, 2014 was a pretty special day. It was Blake's first day of playing 'official hockey' and it was also Uncle Ty's last day. 
Blake was beyond excited for his own time to get out on the ice and have it be 'his turn'
Of course, Matt also helped coach these little guys so Blake was equally excited about that.
And getting to see Wyatt cheer him on was priceless!
Then that night, we went to Senior night at Bethel and got to see Uncle Ty(#4) play in his last hockey game. It's was hard to believe that this would really be the last one--after 20 years of playing hockey, this was the final time he'd lace up his skates and take to the ice. It was pretty emotional afterwards and we were so thankful to be able to be a part, not only of his last game, but also of his last four years at Bethel.

This is what I find on my phone after the game.....(some serious duck lips)
Pretty cool that Blake got to be #4, just like Uncle Ty. Blake was so excited to wear his jersey to Ty's game.
His biggest fans
And Grammy and Papa--at their last hockey game for one of their sons. Although there will be many more for their grandsons!