Thursday, May 22, 2014

Can it really be 7 years?

Sadie turned 7 this year--7!! In some ways it has gone really fast and in other ways, she seems so much older to me. She was very excited for this birthday since it was her year to have a 'friend party' (we alternate years for having a friend party or just a family party). Her birthday was on Friday, so we opened some gifts at home before going out for dinner. 
'Frozen' came out on DVD just a few days earlier, so the timing was perfect!
Wonder what this could be....
Isabelle--the new American Girl Doll--who Sadie had been wanting for awhile since we had been reading the Isabelle books at home together. And Isabelle is a dancer as well.
(She also got that little 'Beanie-Boo' from the boys--she loves those Beanie-Boos and I'm not exactly sure why. (They are called Beanie-Boos because the eyes are so big they might scare you!))
Her requested cake--an artist cake. (Notice the swipe of frosting out of the blue--wonder who that could have been?!)
We went to dinner at Osaka Sushi and Hibachi grill. The kids had a blast watching the Hibachi grillers (not sure what you call those guys) and they are so great about involving the kids in all their tricks. Blake was the only one who opted for sushi rather than something off the hibachi grill. 
Honestly, it was probably one of our most successful trips out to eat--so much to watch and see, the kids all loved the food because they could all order exactly what they wanted (Wyatt's dinner was comprised of steak, steak and more steak. Sadie enjoyed a bit of everything. And Blake loaded up on sushi.)
This was the mask they gave to the birthday person when they sang to them--thankfully it was Sadie's  birthday because I think she's the only one in our family who would not only wear it, but also was so excited to do so!
Once our dinner was over, the kids went over to another grill to watch some more tricks. But I had to take this picture on my phone quick because Sadie looked so old to me here. And maybe it's just because it was her birthday--always takes a bit of getting used to a new age!

We came back home for cake and ice cream and a few more presents from Nani and Pops.

This gift needs a bit of explaining. Sadie is the queen of asking for anything she sees a commercial for on TV. And thankfully we have DVR (so we can fast-forward through the commercials) or the kids watch shows on channels that don't have commercials. But on occasion, she still sees some commercials and every time, without fail, she writes the phone number down for the item and tells me, "Mom, you can just call this number and they'll send you_________________". So when my mom said that she had asked for the 'Party In the Tub Light', I was shocked she even remembered and thought it was hilarious that she was asking my mom for it. The 'Party In the Tub Light' is a floating light you place in the bathtub. After turning the lights off, it basically makes the tub look like a disco. And since Sadie not only loves taking long baths but also loves a party, it's as if this toy was made just for her. (I'm sure we are the only people who own one as well!) You can imagine her excitement and shock when she actually got it! 
The next day was Sadie's friend party and she was thrilled the day had finally come! She chose to have her party at a kid's art studio and selected a painting project that each girl would get to do. 
Sadie with all her friends from school, church and our neighborhood.
Paying careful attention to the instructions (have I mentioned before how amazed I continually am at the difference between a boys' party and a girls' party?!)

Sadie always invites two of her good friends that live out of town--Elle Sullivan and Elli Lundquist. And Elle wasn't able to make it (3 1/2 hours is a bit of hike for a 7 year old's birthday party). But Elli came up and it meant so much to Sadie. 
There was a large piece of paper on the wall that all the girls could write messages to Sadie on. I had to take a picture and remember this one from our neighbor Gracie.
Sadie's party was so much fun for all the girls and was exactly what Sadie wanted. We enjoyed some cupcakes and ice cream and each girl got to take home their own artwork that they created. We didn't open any presents because, rather than having everyone bring a gift, Sadie asked each girl to bring a gift that she could take to Children's Hospital for the kids that are there. I had called the hospital and they were in need of LEGO sets, so each girl brought a LEGO set to the party. We piled them all up in a big bag and took them down to the Children's Hospital the following week. Sadie was pretty disappointed that she wasn't going to be able to hand them out to the kids directly, but she understood why she couldn't and was just happy to bring them. Of course the staff at the hospital was also so appreciative. 
But it's a perfect reflection of the heart Sadie has. She is so caring and compassionate for those with the most needs and always notices anyone who is struggling or might be feeling left out. And she LOVES giving gifts. Anytime someone is coming over, she goes through her toys and wants to pick out something to give them. She often takes things to school to give to other kids and holds very loosely to the things of this world. (Last year she wanted to give her American Girl Doll to a girl in her class who wanted it and I had to convince Sadie to give her something else.) 
Sadie brings lots of life to our family and is constantly singing, dancing, performing or talking. Constantly. And we love it!! She isn't competitive at all and just wants everyone to feel included and loved and cared for--which is a much-needed balance for some of the other people in our household (myself included). Sadie lives life at one pace--let's just put it this way....I never need to tell Sadie to 'stop and smell the roses' . (It's no coincidence that she was over 2 weeks late and still needed an extra 'push' from medical personnel to get her to join us!) She is cheerful, optimistic, caring and such a sweet soul. There is no doubt that the Lord placed her in our family to help round some of us out and to point out all the beauty we would be missing along the way. We love you Sadie Joan!