Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A few things that seemed noteworthy…..

One of Sadie's goals that she shared at New Year's with our family was that she would get a 100% on a spelling test. She is a great writer but is very much a phonetic speller. And I would also say that I think the spelling words she had were pretty tough for a first grader (a good thing, but also makes it harder to get a 100%). But let me just say that since she had to work pretty hard to get this, it was that much more meaningful!
I took a picture of Wyatt's homework one day because as I looked at it, I remembered the conversations I had with him where he expressed his anxiety about coming into a class where they all knew how to write in cursive and he didn't (since the public schools in Woodbury no longer taught cursive). I didn't hear a lot about it during the school year and saw his work occasionally. But for whatever reason, as I pulled this out of his folder the other day, it hit me and I was reminded of how he had overcome his fears and 'come from behind' to learn something new--and to do it well!!
Career Day at school---we have a future teacher and NHL player
And this picture was taken while I was setting up for our garage sale (my first ever)--Blake took it upon himself to put on some of Matt's hockey gear. And when I saw this face, it was so impossible to get upset with him:)