Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spring Break in KC

Since we took our big family vacation skiing out west, spring break was going to be a pretty low-key week. But instead of just hanging around Woodbury, we decided to go visit our good friends--the Scribners--down in Kansas City. They moved there last summer and life just wasn't the same without them down the street from us.
Scribners witnessed our families quest for the best donut in the twin cities, so they couldn't wait to take us to their favorite donut place in Kansas City. We were warned that the donuts would be amazing, but that would be about it. To say that the place isn't much as far as service or atmosphere is concerned would be an understatement. 
The crew enjoying some GREAT donuts
The seating was almost entirely these old bar seats--quite sure the decor was all original as well.
And when we showed up at 9am, this was what the selection looked like. We could not believe it and seriously looked at the woman behind the counter in disbelief. She did reassure us that there were more in back, but thank goodness the donuts tasted good because the selection wasn't the best. 
To give a little bit better idea of what this place was like, I had to take a picture of the retail section of the donut shop…….
enough said.
(l to r) Addi's friend Peyton, Addi Scribner, Sadie and Jada Scribner
Sadie was loving that Jada let her borrow a soccer warmup jacket to match the girls
After donuts, we went to the much-talked about Kansas City Zoo. And since everyone in KC was still in school, we had the place to ourselves. (It also helped that it was like 60 degrees and everyone in Kansas City was complaining about how cold it was--while those of us from the north hadn't felt temps above 40 since October!)
Dixie attempting to feed some bird in the bird exhibit
These two--Wyatt and Titus
They had this great exhibit where you could see the giraffes and zebras and other desert animals from the gondola chairs. It was actually a very cool way to see these amazing animals. 
(pic of Matt and Blake behind us)
I had to take this picture….As we were on our way back, the chair in front of us dropped a backpack (on accident, of course) and we were all shocked! It happened to be in the giraffe area and immediately, the tallest giraffe started to walk towards it, albeit very cautiously. Sadie and Jada were in the chair behind us and everyone was turned around watching the giraffe to see what it would do.
Sadie hitching a ride with Addi
Dinner at one of the great Kansas City BBQ places--my mouth is watering just thinking about our meal there. We loved it so much we bought a few jars of their barbecue sauce to take home (and we saved that last of the sauce for a 'special night' since we all loved it so much!)
Jada loves making videos on her iPad and showed Sadie how it's done. As a result, Sadie took a fair amount of pictures over the weekend and I found this gem on my phone.
 Our friends from church (whose daughters also happen to be our babysitters) recommended we go to Succotash for breakfast one morning. And since they are big 'foodies', we knew it had to be good. (Dixie and Matt and I were excited--I can't say that anyone else was. Especially when we pulled up and it was in a sketchier area of town.
But Dixie and I LOVED it!!!! Our kind of breakfast place--complete with an extensive smoothie list, omelets with feta, artichokes and spinach and fingerling potatoes. And Sadie loved it because they also had large gluten free menu with delicious foods. YUM!!

The girls at breakfast

After breakfast, Dixie and I headed to The Plaza to do a little shopping while TJ and Matt took the kids to the Money Museum at the Kansas City Federal Reserve. The highlight for the kids? They each left with a bag of shredded dollars and also got to design their own dollar bill, complete with their pictures on it.
Dinner out with TJ and Dixie later that night
The next day, Dixie and I took these two on a little shopping trip and out for lunch.
Modelling their matching outfits
And while we shopped, this was going on.....

We had such a great time in Kansas City and were so thankful for extended, uninterrupted time with our good friends. Of course, the time went by too quickly and we weren't ready to leave. 
On our way home, we stopped in Des Moines to see the Sullivans and Sadie was excited to give Elle a matching "Best Friends" necklace she had bought her on our trip in KC. Love these two and the precious friendship they share!