Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sadie's Christian Character Award

Sadie received a "Christian Character Award" for the month of February for 'helpfulness'. Her teacher, Mrs. Erickson, commented on how helpful Sadie always is--whether it's helping Mrs. Erickson or another student--she knows she can count on Sadie to help her with anything if she asks for it. In fact, Sadie was often paired with students who would visit NLA for a day and she was so great at it. She loves feeling helpful and including kids that might be new.
We are so proud of you Sadie!!

I had to include this picture...after the assembly, the kids were all waiting around to have their pictures taken. Sadie was not sitting with any of the elementary students...oh no....she was sitting by the 5th and 6th grade girls. No surprise there!