Monday, May 26, 2014

Easter 2014

What better way to begin a post about Easter than with Wyatt's letter to the Easter bunny that he wrote at school…...

We enjoyed a wonderful Easter brunch after church at the Holter's house (our 2nd year in a row celebrating with them) and we were all so excited they were finally in their new home! (Holters were in our small group at church and we had watched--and helped a bit--as they physically built their own house. Amazing--and something we definitely could not do!)
And then we came home for the annual neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt, which was bittersweet as we knew it would be our last. Watching Nate walk Blake through the neighborhood was so sweet and we knew we were definitely going to miss our great neighbors.
Gracie and Sadie
Someone found one of the eggs with $$ inside!
This is what the Dads did during the egg hunt….
Blake parked himself right by all the Dads and proceeded to eat almost all his chocolate!
…but not before Matt could get some
(Blake could be seen leaving the egg hunt in Charlie's Range Rover)
We had a great day and loved being able to celebrate Christ's resurrection with so many of our good friends here in Minnesota, as we know this will probably be our last Easter here. We were so thankful for the great weather that allowed us to do the egg hunt, which was almost cancelled due to rain and cold weather!!