Saturday, June 16, 2012

Livestock 5K

A few weekends ago, the kids and I headed down to our good friends, the Lundquists, to run in the Livestock 5K (Matt was speaking at a conference in San Fransisco). Drew and Jen organize the 5K and it is part of an entire day of free concerts, food and fun to raise money to purchase livestock through WorldVision for people in third world countries whose lives can be dramatically changed just through the gift of one cow or goat. We got to their house on Friday night and played and had a great meal. Then Drew and Jen were gone by 5am on Saturday so the kids and I all got ready to meet them at the race around 7. Blake and Beckham stayed at their house with a babysitter---someday I may have all 6 kids with me!!
The kids were all so excited about getting their own race numbers and running a 'big' race--5K!! Wyatt and Kael were planning on winning it:)
Yes, that is my jogging stroller in the background...and I did bring it along. I knew there was no way all 4 kids would be able to run 3.1 miles without a break, so the plan was to bring the stroller and everyone would take turns getting a break while I pushed it. I wasn't quite sure how it would all go but I thought, we won't know unless we try, right?
And they were off.....

They all started running and then around the half-mile marker, the girls hopped in the jogger. From there until the end of the race, the girls and boys were take turns running or riding. But I ran the entire race, which gives you an idea of how much running these kids did. Well worth the water along the way...
Time to shed some layers..
The final stretch...they all ran the last 1/4 mile which ended down this hill and then around the corner. (There was one point, just before coming down this hill, where we had to run up a decent sized hill and all the kids were pretty beat and I didn't want to stop running at that point, so I let them all pile in the jogger and push them up the hill---I think with the weight of the jogger, it's over 200lbs, so I definitely got my workout in for the day--mind you, I wasn't running real fast up that hill!)
The finish!!! I was running while taking all these pictures, so they aren't the best. But you get the idea...I was SO proud of these kids. Watching them get tired and want to quit, yet keep running and pushing through it was so amazing!! They did awesome and were so proud of themselves when they got done--much more proud than they would have been if they had given in when it got tough. As we always say in our house, "We do hard things because hard things make us stronger"
Getting some well-deserved food and juice
Don't these look like some serious runners taking a break after a long race?
Drew and Jen--the masterminds behind it all!
Of course the kids loved being at the awards table with Drew and Jen
Those awesome bags you see on the table were given to every person who ran the race--quite possibly the coolest bag I have ever gotten from a race!

There were a few people who won their age division but had left before the awards were handed out, so Jen gave the kids the leftover medals...cowbells!!
And of course, Sadie and Elli's photography skills at work (I never realize Sadie has taken pictures on my camera until I upload them--but usually it's a fun surprise!)

And now on to the fun for the rest of the morning....
I took this one of my phone to send to Matt...Blake climbing up this huge slide (of course he wasn't too interested in climbing up the back side where the steps were..that would be too easy!)

The kids were mesmerized by the dunk tank!
Blake and Beckham...I think they bonded that morning while we were all at the race!
With the cow...Blake was terrified of this thing at first, but then...

...he had to be the one giving him a few last hugs!
And what would an outdoor music festival be without a huge bag of kettle corn!

The kids and I left St. Peter around 1pm to get back in time for Sadie's soccer Jamboree! The entire Woodbury Recreational Soccer Program has a huge Jamboree all weekend, but thankfully for the 5 year olds, it consists of two back-to-back 30 minute games. The plan was to have the kids take a nap in the car on the way back to Woodbury, but Blake was the only who fell asleep. I was a bit worried about how the soccer games would go after getting little sleep the night before and running over 3 miles that morning....
Since I am the coach I never get any pictures, but once again, i came across a few Sadie had taken while she was out...just an indication of how into the actual game she is.
I had to include this picture because Blake was standing right behind this little PUG goal that we use for the girls and I kept telling him to move. (Yes, it was quite a circus...I was coaching these girls while attempting to keep an eye on Blake and Wyatt since Matt was gone--needless to say, I was exhausted that evening!) Anyways, Blake at one point stuck his head in the goal from the back side right at the same time a girl from the other team scored a goal and it hit him right in the head...of course he cried but I just had to laugh because he wouldn't listen to me and had to learn the hard way!
Sadie actually played very well---she was tired at first but then she scored a goal (yes, her first goal!!!) and that turned it all around for her. She finally got a bit of fire in her and went after each ball with some serious determination! After the games, we stayed and watched my friend Dixie's daughter play a bit and then headed home. All the kids were sleeping by 7pm! But what a great day it was!
(on a side note...Matt's flight was supposed to get in at 11pm but his flight out of California was delayed and they had to put him on the he didn't leave Cali until midnight their time and arrived at our house at 6:30am...needless to say, we were ALL dragging Sunday afternoon!)