Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Planting/Papa's 64th birthday

So after having my parents at our house for Mother's Day weekend and doing some planting, the kids wanted to help my parents do more at their house. We headed to Madison the following weekend and spent friday night at my parents and then Saturday night with Matt's parents to celebrate his Dad's birthday on Sunday.

Saturday morning fun at Pops and Nani's house
Nani was doing some 'physical therapy' balance stuff with the kids and they thought it was hilarious!
(Wyatt has been asking for sports glasses for awhile now and we finally got him a pair--he didn't want to take them off!)
The kids loved having breakfast outside with Nani on such a gorgeous morning
But Blake had enough of sitting around and was ready to get to work...first mowing the lawn

Sadie wanted to wear her 4th of July outfit for Nani since it's Nani's favorite holiday
Following Nani's direction as best we could

After getting some planting done and having lots of fun at Pops and Nani's house, we headed over to Papa and Grammy's. We rarely go to my in-laws house in Madison in the summer because they spend all their free time up at Stormy Lake, but my kids love getting to visit them in Madison almost as much as up at the cabin. First things first....the trampoline with Auntie Cam!!
Boy was it hot!!

Then Papa got out the kiddie pool to help them cool off. 
So off to the park we in-laws house backs up to a huge park and the kids love playing there

Then off into the woods to go 'exploring'

Watching people as they explore the woods, whether it be your family or anyone else, is a wonderful study in personalities and human relationships. Because on some level, everyone is out of their comfort zone and experiencing the unknown. In this case, it was not surprising to me that Sadie and Matt went one way and Blake and Wyatt the other way. Yet Blake lead the way....Wyatt so desperately wanted to go his own way yet his fears and anxieties of the unknown take over his desire to discover. But thankfully for him he has a brother that doesn't share those anxieties--and not only does he not think about those things but he just plows forward without thinking about much at all, other than what is awaiting discovery. 
Sadie and Matt ended up joining Blake and Wyatt when the boys said they found a fort!!
Gotta love Blake using a stick as a gun!

Excuse the picture quality but this guy was so sweaty and hot, yet determined to scale the tree just like his big brother.
Still playing with sticks that were twice his size
They all found walking sticks 

Sadie showing Matt the beauty she discovered in the woods

Back at Grammy and Papa's, playing dress-up
(Blake was using a wooden train track as his gun!)
Like father like son

The main reason we went to Madison for the weekend was to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday as well as to see Mollie, Matt's sister, before she left to work at Kanakuk Kamp for the summer. So after church on Sunday, Papa opened a few gifts and cards from everyone.
The kids love those 'singing' cards and they were so excited to give one to Papa!!
Happy 64th birthday Papa!! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!