Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sadie's preschool program

Sadie was so excited for her preschool program and this year they did a "Pajama Themed" program, so each child was assigned a type of pajama to, old, link, red, blue, striped...and Sadie and her friend Addi were the polka dot pajamas.
Not sure what was going on here....she doesn't look very happy but I can assure you she was having a lot of fun!!

They sang a sweet song called, "You are Special" and they all looked at their parents while singing it. It was so sweet (and Matt got to hear it twice because the day before, they had their 'Donuts with Dads' morning at preschool and they sang it for the dads as well. But since I wasn't there I don't have any pictures of that one!

Sadie and Mrs. Hulse, along with her friends Ainsley and Hannah
Hannah, Mrs. Hulse and Sadie
Sadie loved performing (as she always does) and I know she loves when our entire family comes to something that is just for her and not her brothers!