Thursday, June 7, 2012

1st Grade Zoo Trip

At Wyatt's school, each grade level takes a field trip at the end of the school year. In Kindergarten, it was to a farm. This year, all the first grade classes went to the Minnesota Zoo and thankfully I have been able to go on both field trips. Each year they select a few parents to ride the bus with the kids and lucky me, I got picked!!
Of course Wyatt and his friends, Titus and Aiden, were so excited to be on the back of the bus (since only the 4th-5th graders can ride in the back of the bus to school)
Each kid got to pick one friend that they wanted to be with during the day at the zoo and, surprise-surprise, Wyatt picked Titus!! So my group was Wyatt and Titus--how fun! The aquarium was amazing!

I was obsessed with these sharks--they kept fighting and then the dark grey shark on the right bit the silver shark's fin and would NOT let go....I felt like calling some zoo person to tell them, but I suppose these types of things happen in the ocean all the time....but I had a hard time pulling myself away from these two!

We were paired up with another group--my neighbor Cathy was the chaperone for her daughter Emma and McKenna (funny how Emma, the girl mentioned in my earlier post, ended up in the same group with us!)
The boys on the golden turtle!

Watching the prairie dogs--and it was so much fun going with these kids as 1st graders because they actually stopped to read the information about each of the animals!
Random picture, I know, of a cow milking. But the kids were so excited to see the cow milking demonstration and I actually thought it would be a person manually milking the cow. But the kids corrected me before we got there and said they had seen a video where they put the 'plugs' on the cow. I wasn't sure that was how it would be done, but sure enough--they were right!!!! The funniest part was when they were talking about the risk of infection for the cows and when they said 'mastitis', Wyatt's friend Titus said, "They said my name!"
Afterwards, the kids got to pet the cow...these cows produce a gallon and a half of milk in just a few minutes!!
Some of the boys in Wyatt's class..Joseph, Wyatt, Cayden, Titus and Aiden
Then Chase hopped in on the right
We had beautiful weather--70 and sunny--and the kids had a blast! Such a fun trip and I was so glad I got to be there with Wyatt and his friends.