Friday, June 22, 2012

The long-awaited recital

Sadie's dance recital has been a long time coming. I mean, I am starting to hear the songs from her routines in my head at random times and have even caught myself on a few occasions singing them--out loud!! She was so excited to have my parents and my sister Mary Jo come to town just for her special performance, as well as a few good friends who made it to the show.
My parents came on Friday in time for the boys (minus Blake--someday buddy!) to go golfing while we ladies hung at home. Blake woke up from his nap and immediately wanted to snuggle with Nani..just look at how happy this boy is!!

My mom brought along a little gift for her, in honor of all her hard work

Getting nails done with the girls!

The big moment!!!

I have said it before, but she is such a great leader. When it comes to dance, she doesn't even realize that she is leading, but she just does her thing and other girls look to her to see what to do next and to gleam a bit of the abundant confidence God gave this girl. 

She did an amazing job and loved every minute of being on stage--the lights, cameras, movement, music. This girl is a natural.

After the recital with my good friend Dixie and her daughter Addi--they stopped by in between hockey and soccer practices, which meant so much both to Sadie and I! 
Pics with our tiny dancer
Even Wyatt got into the spirit of performance--but only until he realized someone might actually be watching him:)
Her flowers from Daddy

Her official dance picture

We came home and enjoyed a beautiful evening, grilling out with some great brats and burgers, corn on the cob and some amazing Spotted Cow beer from Wisconsin. What a day!
My kids love to 'cheers'
Sadie had to bring baby Maddie outside with us and feed her in her highchair while we all ate...notice the small bowl and spoon on her highchair. Oh yes...she dressed her in her new outfit from Nani and Pops and even Blake came over and took turns feeding her.

After dinner we played some baseball in the backyard. Matt got Wyatt a pitchback a few weeks ago and he has loved playing with it. Basically, it does what it's name throw the ball against it and it comes back at you. Matt and Wyatt like to play a game where one of them throws it and the other has to anticipate the angle it will come off and catch it before it hits the turned into an entire family game.
I didn't get a picture of everyone, but this was Wyatt's face when he saw Nani come out and join them. He was so surprised when he saw how well she can throw that ball--Nani's got some mad softball skills! I remember watching her and my dad play in co-ed church leagues as a kid and it was fun to tell Wyatt all about them.

On Sunday, we went to church and then headed to the pool. It was up in the upper 90s, so that's about all we could do! We packed a lunch and biked up there (the kids have learned that I won't drive up to the pool---it's only about a mile away, so Blake rides in the trailer and the kids bike. This time, however, the trailer was a bit heavier with all the towels and lunch for 8 of us!)
I didn't take many pics at the pool, but I had been thinking that this year would be the first year I would be able to relax at the pool when I took the kids up. Wyatt and Sadie are proficient swimmers and can hold their own in the big pool with their friends and Blake could be on his own in the kiddie pool. But then I remembered Blake's personality--he would never be content in a little kiddie pool--oh no! He has to be in the big pool just like the big kids. And the first time we went to the pool this year, he jumped right in the big pool--no fear. So I got him a flotation 'thingie' and he LOVES to swim back and forth between Matt and I or between the wall and me. I think I won't be relaxing at the pool until my kids are in high school and then, they might not even want me there!! And I will be longing for these days--so I will enjoy them while I can!

This was mom was soaking up a few rays and Blake just laid down next to her, head tilted back just like hers was!! Everyone else was in the pool so I had to take a picture to show them!!
I know some of you have asked to see the video from Sadie's recital and I will try and post it soon!!