Saturday, June 16, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderfully relaxing Memorial Day weekend and STAYED HOME!!!! YEAH!!! That's probably why it was so relaxing! Matt usually only works half-days on fridays, so combining that with having off Monday made for an extra long weekend, so we had a lot of time to just spend together and hang out--Wyatt had his last two hockey games for the spring hockey session over the weekend and we got together with some good friends for dinner one night, but other than that we just relaxed and had a great time at home. I should add, however, that our good friend just won a Dove Award (christian music version of a Grammy) for Children's Album of the Year and I was giddy about getting to hold it and take my picture with it. All my childhood dreams of being like Amy Grant when I grew up came true in that moment...

A few more pics from the weekend....
(The chalk on the driveway=sign of kids having a great summer)
On Memorial Day, we had a cookout with some of our neighbors, which is always lots of fun. I had to take this picture and point out that we have quite possibly the best babysitter ever...what other 19 year old would come and sit down with Blake at a cookout and hang out with my kids?! We are seriously so blessed by Andrea!
And of course Blake thinks he is one of the big boys...
A holiday weekend as it should be