Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Red Sox Fans

Last week (have you noticed how many of my posts recently have started this way? Does that tell you how far behind I am...but I am slowly getting caught up....if only we could have a week or two with nothing to post about, I might actually get there!) 
Ok, back to my post!! Our good friends from La Crosse were planning on coming up for the Twins/Red Sox series and we were really excited to have them. They are originally from Boston and have come up every year for the series, even before we lived here. But now it's a great excuse for us to make sure we see each other at least once a year. This year, however, Dave's plans changed at the last minute and he wasn't able to come. So Nora took Wyatt and I with her and her two oldest boys (Leo and Jac) while we got a sitter for Sadie, Blake and her two youngest boys AJ and Sean. (Matt was already going to the game with friends.)

They got to our house just before Wyatt got off the school bus and the kids had a great time playing outside before we left for the game. The weather could not have been more perfect--low 70s and sunny! And they even brought along some of Wyatt's favorite food--blueberry donuts from Java Detour in La Crosse.

We told Wyatt and Leo to stick together as we navigated our way through the sea of people and I had to take this picture of them because it was so cute!
(They were giving away these bags when we got to the game and they boys loved carrying them around)

Nora and I and the boys...notice Leo holding up his Red Sox T-shirt! And thanks to Dave we had great seats for the game!!
We asked the ushers if we could go down by the dugouts and they escorted us down for a few pictures and to see the players close up.

Saying 'hi' to TC

Leo wore his Pedroia T-shirt and was talking about Pedroia all night. Our seats were behind the Red Sox dugout and of course, Pedroia was one of the players that walked over to the dugout while we were standing there. When he did, we all started yelling "Hey Pedroia! Pedroia!" and he looked at us tossed us his ball!! It was so exciting and Leo was thrilled! 

Enjoying some hot dogs

The boys made these signs in the car on the way to the game and loved holding them up. They were pretty simple--they either said 'Boo Red Sox' 'Boo Twins' or 'Go Red Sox' 'Go Twins'. But the boys had a blast with them and cheered for so much of the game---I'm not sure how everyone around us felt about them, but they had fun!

It was a 7:10pm game on a Wednesday night and we didn't end up leaving the park until 11:00. But the boys were going strong the entire time and were excited to stay for the entire game.

The next day we let Wyatt miss school and come with all of us to the Children's Museum. We have never done that before but it was a special treat since we had our good friends in town (and I also knew he would never make it through an entire day at school since they all woke up at 7am and didn't want his teacher to have to deal with a tired, grumpy kid).

The ever-popular face painting!!

Grossology exhibit--learning about the human body and how it works

Life-size Operation Game

Sadie and Jac

Blake "What's this??"

I love the look on Blake's face as he was looking at Sadie!

There are several areas of the children's museum that I think are a perfect place for studying human behavior/interactions and the differences between boys and girls. This is one of them....

This was a magnetic wall with pieces of PVC piping and ramps that you could line up to make a car travel through. Wyatt LOVED this and spent quite a bit of time working with Leo to get it just right. The younger boys came over to inspect and see what was going on and I never once saw a little girl check it out--Sadie included!

Driving the bus in the little town..

..while Sadie was doing some grocery shopping..

..and the boys were getting checked out at the doctor's office.

One last picture of Sadie and Jac---these two always get along so well and did not want to leave each other!

All the big kids!
We all had lunch together downtown and then Nora and the boys left to pick Dave up at the airport. We had such a great time, although it always goes so fast, and we can't wait to see them again!!