Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Nook

We recently spent a night out with Matt's college roommates/our good friends the Lutzs and the Kuchs and all our kiddos. Despite living in the same city, we are still spread across town and it is hard to find a time when we are all free. (And this was planned last minute, so the Merritts weren't able to make it.) Andy Lutz planned our evening--burgers at The Nook in St. Paul followed by bowling (in the basement of the Nook) and ice cream at Lynden's next door. My kids were beyond excited--mostly about the bowling since we have never gone as a family and Wyatt has only gone one or twice for birthday parties.

Waiting for a table....the kids played a bit of skee-ball and then used it as a dance floor
Sadie loved being able to watch herself in the mirror

The guys adding up their darts total

Sadie took a few pictures as well....Danny Lutz
Maddy Lutz

Blake walking up the skee-ball ramp

And a close up of the upcoming activities...

The moms...Angie Kuch, myself and Missy Lutz

The bowling alley was directly behind our tables so the kids were able to watch some bowling while we finished up our meal and enjoyed a bit of adult conversation (I say a bit, because, keep in mind there were 7 kids with 5 of them 3years old or younger and one in utero).

Sadie and Coby Kuch

The three youngest...Blake, Maddy and Cooper Kuch

Getting fitted with the proper equipment

SO Strong!!

Now keep in mind that this bowling alley has not been updated at all---ever. We kept our own score (and thank goodness one of us paid attention to the bowling unit in gym class on scoring bowling), had the old-fashioned ball return that pinched a few small fingers despite our best efforts to warn them, the 'bumper' lanes were filled with air from a shop vac, and the kids used this little ramp to help get the ball down the lane.

And off it went!!!

Not a great picture but a picture, nonetheless, of my children's first time bowling as a family
Blake eyeing the ramp..trying to anticipate the best angle

a snapshot of the chaos we created with our crew

Andy and Matt taking a break from the mayhem

Erik with his boys..Cooper and Coby

Bowling was fun, but the boys took to chasing one another around the post to pass the time while waiting for their turn to bowl. However, I think this became even more fun.

Not sure what was happening here....

Sadie helping me keep score

Blake sticking his face over the hand-dryer

And by the end of the 6th frame (which is all we ended up playing), Erik resorted to holding Cooper while taking his turn. This is what our family outings have come to.

Again, more unexplained pictures of the scene we created

And since this was the site of Andy and Missy's first date on a roommate roullette their freshman year of college, we had to take a picture 16 years later...and all the changes that have come in that time!

And family pics of the Sorensens and Kuchs as well....

Then we headed next door to Lynden's old-fashioned soda fountain and ice cream shop that had just opened a few weeks prior. It's a small place with great ice cream, which we ironically found out they ship in from The Chocolate Shoppe back in Madison, WI!!! Felt like we were home....
Anyways, the place isn't very big but this counter worked perfectly for all the kids.

I think Andy took this can see all of us in the reflection of the mirror

And another from behind the counter
We had a great time and made some great memories, despite the chaos and craziness that comes from having so many little kids. Thankfully the bowling alley was filled with casual bowlers who weren't too bothered by it--or at least they didn't tell us they were! Great friends, great food=fun times!