Monday, May 21, 2012

Garage Sale

Last week was the Woodbury Garage Sales and I don't know if anyone does garage sales like Woodbury. 
Top Ten Ways to Know if Garage Sale-ing is out of control in your city::
1. They sell map guides indicating where garage sales are and what they are selling
2. People drive from hours away and camp out at nearby camp grounds with their trucks and trailers the night before, ready to get in while the gettin's good
3. Criminals even know about the garage sales and during the nights preceding the sales, break into cars parked in the street (that are normally parked in garages) and even steal tires/wheels and leave cars propped up on blocks
4. Men take off work and run food stands, selling hot dogs, brats, pop and chips all day long, often times making more money than the garage sales themselves
5. People rent port-a-potties so that strangers don't use the bathrooms in their homes
6. Kids take off school to work their family garage sales
7. It's part of family traditions to either have a sale or travel to the Woodbury sales
8. People steal items from your garage sale (i.e, $90 swimsuit with tags on priced at $5 gets stolen or Like-new Vera Bradley bag priced at $4 gets taken....both happened at the sale I had with my neighbor and it happens ever year. You don't know whether to get upset or feel sorry for people...we chose the latter.)
9. People come around on Wednesday evening (sale starts on Thursday) asking if they can just 'browse'. This year we had everything in my neighbor Terri's garage and she was in her house eating dinner with her family on Wednesday evening when she walked in to her garage and there were people in there!!!! She jumped in surprise and they said, "Oh, is it okay if we just look?"!!!!!!!
10. Kids (mine and my neighbors) make signs that say, "We need money" and walk along the street!!
Actually, our kids did do this but they were really helping Terri put these signs up around our neighborhood. They were all so sad to go to school!!

And yes, all of this is true and happens every year in Woodbury!! But I did make over $400, so no complaining from me!