Thursday, May 3, 2012

Des Moines

It's been almost two weeks since we went to Des Moines, but I have not forgotten to post about it!! Matt had a conference to speak at for most of the day on Saturday, so we decided to make it a family trip and see some of our good friends!!

Donuts on Saturday morning--Wyatt and Elle
 Ryan went and got the donuts for the kids at an AmAzInG donut shop that even had Wyatt's favorite--blueberry donuts!! They also had red velvet, cookies 'n creme, boston cream pie and cinnamon!!

These boys were quite the pair--Wheaton is 6 mos. older than Blake but the two are quite similar in personality. So it was fun for us to watch them interact!

Sadie and Elle in their matching braids

While Matt was speaking, Jen and I took the kids to a park and met my good friend Annie and her four kids there. (And she has another on the way!)
(Sadie, Elle, Olivia, Addi and Wyatt)

Blake loved these stairs and it took everything within me to hold back from helping him. But he did a great job on his own and assured me that my fears were unfounded!

Another tall climb that freaked me out but he just conquered it like it was no big deal.

We had 10 kids there with another coming in a few weeks!!

On Saturday night the 6 of us went out and got a sitter for the kids. We had such a great time catching up while the kids went wild and crazy at home! And thank goodness they did because they didn't notice the crazy storm outside. We ate downtown and on the way home, we saw several downed trees and drove through a few lakes that had formed across the roads. It was a true "Welcome back to Iowa" night as no place has storms quite like they do in Iowa!

Getting ready for church the next morning....

My attempt at a picture of all three of the boys...all in plaid shirts! Do you think Jen and I have similar tastes?

The boys again at breakfast....

Oh boy!

These girls...they had so much fun together and Sadie did not want to leave.

After church on Sunday, Annie and Shane and their 4 kids came over to the Sullivans house and we ordered some pizza so we could all hang out one last time.
The kid table...

Jen's youngest...Baby Ivy!!! 
I had to include this picture because she wasn't in any of the other pictures we took over the weekend because she is seriously the easiest and most pleasant baby. She never fussed and was either sleeping, eating or happily playing!! Such a cutie!

One more picture of the girls....they had so much fun and never had one argument.

 When we left, all the kids said goodbye and we were on our way. A few miles down the road, I looked in the back and Sadie had her head in her lap and I just thought she was being quiet. I asked if everything was ok and she picked her head up, eyes full of tears and said, "I don't want to leave Elle. I miss her Mom. I don't want to go"and she was seriously sobbing. I knew she was sad to leave, but I didn't realize that a 5-year old could feel so sad about saying goodbye to a friend. I texted Jen to tell her and she said Elle was also in her room crying. It was sad to watch but also made Jen and I happy to know that our daughters might have a close relationship like we do!!

Ryan and Jen, thanks for a great weekend and we can't wait to see you guys again!!