Thursday, May 3, 2012

AWANA Awards Ceremony

We recently finished our year of AWANA and the kids had their highly-anticipated awards ceremony. They both did such a great job this year, memorizing their verses each week as well making new friends. Sadie LOVED going to AWANA as many the kids in Cubbies with her were also in her BSF class on Thursday mornings. She also brought one of her friends in our neighborhood, Taylor, who continued to come throughout the rest of the year!! 
They started the program off by singing the Cubbies theme song.

Getting her award from Ms. Candy, one of her Cubbies leaders

So proud!! She earned all her patches for the year and will be moving on to Sparks next year with Wyatt. 
(We did AWANA at a different church this year for several reasons (1) It was a much smaller church (2)They had a Cubbies-preschool-program so Sadie could go also (3)It was closer to our house and (4) I knew several people at this church from BSF)

This is what Blake did (coloring on the iPad) an attempt to keep him still and quiet.

Wyatt getting his award for completing his 2nd Sparks book.

Wyatt worked so hard to finish his book, memorizing all of Psalm 23 and all the books of the Bible, as well as over 60 verses!! 

A group picture with Sadie, Gracie and Wyatt
(Disregard the background in the church nursery--the kids were playing in there and it was our best shot at a group picture!)