Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Someone else is turning 5..

It's almost been over two weeks since I took these pictures--how does the time pass so quickly!!! We spent Friday, April 27th with one of the most special girls in Sadie's life. Ellison Lundquist turned 5 that day and spent her birthday morning with Sadie. Jen, Elli's mom, hadn't told Elli of our plans until that morning when she woke up and when Jen asked Elli what she would do for her birthday if she could do anything, she said 'get to see Sadie' and when Jen asked what she would want to do, she answered "go on rides at the Mall of America'--and that is exactly what we did!!!
Sadie was so excited to get to be with Elli on her actual birthday and the girls were discussing what time of the day Elli would really be 5 years old (which always lends to fun reminiscing by the moms!) 

I had to make a quick stop at Nordstroms and Jen asked if the girls could get a little makeup--boy were they in heaven!!
I love Blake's expression in this picture.

I was paying for some stuff and thankfully Jen was paying attention, because I think the woman would have put these little cuties in full makeup!! But the lipgloss, a bit of blush and eye shadow was plenty!!
Can they please stay like this forever?!

Time for rides!! They went on the giant swings first and then this Diego bus ride....

Blake and I sat in front of them and I snapped a few 'action' shots!

Sure this looks like a little-kid slow car ride...

..but once it started we realized that the entire purpose was to whip us around the corner, like crack the whip. The girls were giggling the entire time and Blake and I were behind them and he loved it as well! (Jen is standing behind the railing laughing with the girls)

The hot air balloon ride---Blake is waiting.

These girls are so silly when they are together and they wanted Jen and I to take a picture of them pretending to get sick from the ride~where do they get these ideas??

They wanted to go on this ride next....

I am quite sure that they didn't realize how high it would go....they went all by themselves and I have never been on this one but Jen said at the top it makes your stomach drop a bit.

Here is the ride..we couldn't see their faces when it would get to the top, but by the time it got back down where we could see them, they had a nervous giggle going. I think these girls could get through just about any experience if they were together--too bad we live an hour and a half away!! But there is something that happens when they are together that instills confidence in each other and a feeling that they can do anything. I hope this remains true for them as they grow older.

I found it a bit odd that Blake wanted to ride on the cat with the fish in it's mouth--who puts something like this on a carousel anyways??

Once again, the girls being silly and doing 'no hands'

And I love this picture of Elli--they were making faces in the mirror inside the carousel.

After rides, we were going to get lunch. But of course the girls saw the Dippin' Dots station and since it was Elli's birthday, Jen bought the girls (and Blake) ice cream before lunch!!

Lunch at CRAVE

I love this picture of these girls---always silly and giggling. What a special day it was, not only for Elli, but also for Sadie. She is still talking about!
Happy Birthday Elli Lundquist--We Love YOU!!!!!


Lindsay Borland said...

these pictures of the girls are awesome ... it looks like you all had such a great day!!!