Thursday, December 15, 2011

This sounds familiar.....

Well, it is Christmas time which means one thing in our household when it comes to the food.....time for buckeyes! (See here and here.)

This is the 3rd batch of buckeyes I have made since Thanksgiving and I am actually thankful that we are only in town for one more week because then I won't have to make anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that I can make something that my family loves so much, but after rolling out that many peanut butter balls and dipping them all in chocolate, I get a little sick of them.
It seems Blake has grown to have the same affinity for them as Matt and Wyatt, because just yesterday I found him in the mudroom closet like this.....
See that empty tupperware sitting next to him? That was filled with buckeyes! I keep them out in the garage to keep them cold and while the kids and I were in the family room working on homework/games/reading, he had quietly gone out the back door, gotten the tupperware, brought it in, opened it and I didn't notice until I heard them all spill out onto the floor and I went to see what he was up to!!

It reminded me so much of what Wyatt had done here, that I couldn't help but grab my camera and take a picture or two before putting him in a time-out (is that too confusing for a 2-year old?) Most of the buckeyes were salvaged but I will definitely be making yet another batch...anyone want to come help me??

For the record, I have now done a total of 4 posts about buckeyes over the past few years!


Lindsay Borland said...

ohmygoodness - this is CLASSIC Blakers! getting into things quietly and then hiding :)