Thursday, December 1, 2011

The trimmings and the trappings

After we got our tree, we headed back to Woodbury. My Dad and Matt went to the WILD hockey game while my mom and I went back with the kids and began some Christmas decorating. The guys got home around 7pm (it was an afternoon game) and brought some souvenirs for the kids that were being handed out at the game.....

Apparenty November was 'Movember' (Mustache November) as many of the players were growing mustaches to increase awareness and prevention of all types of cancer. Wyatt just thought it was cool to be like his favorite player, Cal Clutterbuck.
My mom made a special 'table' for the kids to eat at. (She is so good at making something fun out of nothing....I saw this as clutter from getting up all our CHristmas decorations and the kids thought her idea of making a special table was great!)
We didn't end up decorating the tree until Saturday night, as it was getting too late and Wyatt had hockey early in the morning. I still had to get all the lights on the tree (which is a project in and of itself. It's one of those things I really hate doing, yet there is a definitely right and wrong way to do it, so I have a hard time giving up control. The lights need to be even, yet you can't have too much cord showing, and they need to even light the inside as well as the outer branches. I inherited this from my mother, who was always the one who put the lights on out trees growing up. So it ends up taking me quite some time, adding in additional time for the lights that have quit working since last year--a true mysterious!)

So on Saturday night, I told the kids we had a quick surprise for them before we started decorating the tree. I know a lot of people get their kids Christmas pajamas and they wear them the night before Christmas, but it seemed silly to me to do this when Christmas is then over. So I gave them to the kids to wear the entire Christmas season and they LOVEd them....

...jumping around....

..and again, Sadie--always posing!
My favorite part as a kid and it seems to be their favorite as well.....pulling out all the ornaments and reminiscing about where and when we got them!
Blake's fire engine, which he still points out every morning!

And yes, we couldn't forget the Coke tradition...

We had such a fun weekend....Sadie and Blake waving goodbye to Nani and Pops. (Wyatt was at hockey with Matt...and one a side note to that, he scored five goals over the weekend!! 3 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday...and his team won both their games!!!)
The Sorensen household is now fully in the Christmas spirit!!


Lindsay Borland said...

i have been waiting all week for these posts!!! perfect friday afternoon for me at work :) we just got our tree last night - a little 5 foot douglas fir (american trees are rare here so its our ownly short needle option)

steph said...

Love the new posts kris and I might have to steal your pj idea for next year!