Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Where were you at 3:30am?

I was in bed sleeping. Sadie was in bed sleeping. Matt was in bed sleeping until he heard a loud "crash"--which I slept right through. He jumped up and said, "Did you hear that?" I was half-asleep still and didn't hear anything, so Matt went to check out what was going on. I guess his protector instinct kicked in because he was ready to meet whatever he may have found as he walked down our stairs. He went into the kitchen and saw the refridgerator door open and the container of my infamous buckeyes (see previous post) sitting on the floor.
So he walked upstairs and into Wyatt's room. Wyatt was laying in bed eating buckeyes---AT 3:30AM!!!!! Matt asked if he had anymore and he revealed an additional buckeye in his hand under the covers. Matt had a little talk with him and came back to bed. (The crash was the sound of Wyatt's bedroom door slamming shut...must be difficult to close a door quietly when your hands are full of buckeyes!) Of course, Matt and I couldn't get over this for like 1/2 and hour. Apparently he loves them so much that when he wakes up at night, it's the first thing on his mind. And it's not like he doesn't get any....he had two after dinner! What 2-year old figures this stuff out? I thought this came when he was like 4 or 5!
Matt said to me as we were trying to fall back asleep, "I hope this isn't a foreshadowing of things to come when he's about 17 years old!" Let's just pray that it isn't!


EDS said...

Precious boy!!! I need to know what buckeye's are. I read the post that they are a must christmas cookie. I think I may need to try them out. Wyatt and Sadie are so cute...how far apart are they?

The Paulk's said...

Hi Kris!! Thanks for the message, Joan gave me your blog address and so I've been secretly checking it out since Christmas :)! I have enjoyed reading about what's going on in your lives, Wyatt and Sadie are getting so big and are so adorable. I can't believe how time flies! I hope you guys had a good Christmas, we missed seeing you. I bet the girls would have had fun together!! Hope all is well, I'll keep checking back periodically!