Monday, December 19, 2011

All in a day's work

Blake continues to be an energetic little boy...who is very quiet and very curious! Yesterday, I was upstairs moving some laundry from the washer into the dryer, when Blake went downstairs to get his milk. He quickly came back upstairs with it in his hand, so I assumed everything had gone fine. About 1/2 an hour later, we went downstairs and I saw this......

Yes, the door to the refridgerator had been open that ENTIRE time and he had taken each egg out of the container, one at a time (since the egg carton was still in the fridge)....thankfully they didn't all break...a miracle in itself!

While Blake and I were downstairs, Sadie had set this up.....
Ignore the laundry pile in the back....yes, this was her classroom since apparently her room is no longer big enough to house all these students. They each had their own book and a 'letter' page to work on.

Then this morning, as I was getting ready, Blake walked into my bathroom and said, "Blake's medicine....Blake's medicine" as I notice his hands are all pink and sticky. I follow him in to their bathroom to find an entire bottle of kid's tylenol poured out everywhere and Blake playing in it like it's finger paint! UGH!!! I didn't have the time to take a picture and at that point, I didn't really feel like taking one. I was so frustrated that I couldn't even put a bit of makeup on!

Fast forward to this afternoon, shortly after lunch,.....Blake was in a timeout and would not stay on the step, like he usually does. So I pulled out an old portable highchair seat that has a belt on it and strapped him in to that......
Yes, this was where he was after 2 minutes in it. He had started to scoot across the floor and then attempted to rock back and forth before falling backwards. It wasn't a hard fall and he cried a bit, but then found a car to play with on the banister........and this was all after he woke up at 5:30 again this morning......needless to say, this kid exhausts me! Love him to death, but he wears me out!