Sunday, December 9, 2007


These are the Buckeyes.....Matt and Wyatt's favorite Christmas cookie/candy. Both my mom and mother-in-law made these when Matt and I were kids and I've combined a bit of both recipes to make my own version. Matt even asked last week when I was going to be making these as, apparently, it doesn't really feel like Christmas until these are made. And since I have a cookie exchange to go to this week (and was asked by several people if I'd be bringing these), I spent much of yesterday in the kitchen making over 100 buckeyes. They were all done when Wyatt woke up from his nap yesterday and he was SO excited to have one. Of course, his eyes got HUGE when he opened the refridgerator and saw several cookie sheets full of them. We limited him to one after his nap and then of course, he and Matt had a few after dinner.
So that was yesterday.......This morning Sadie woke up first and I brought her into our room to feed her. Matt, Sadie and I were laying in our bed when we heard Wyatt's infamous steps as he got out of bed and went to open his door. But we didn't hear him open his door and several minutes had gone by. I looked at Matt and said, "Didn't you hear Wyatt get up?" To which Matt replied, "I thought so....maybe he's just playing in his room"....something he never does! Playing on his own is not one of his strengths......if there is anyone awake, you can bet Wyatt will be up as well. About a minute later, our door bursts open and Wyatt is holding a buckeye in his hand, "Can I have one Mommy?" he asks, with the biggest grin on his face. How could we say no?
We just looked at each other and smiled.....Wyatt has certainly figured out how to work the system! I guess a double batch of Buckeyes is only enough for my husband and a 2-year old......I fear in 10 years I may be making over 500 of them!!!!!!