Thursday, December 1, 2011

The latest

It seems this time of year, between the holidays and birthdays in our house, I forget to record some of the more 'everyday' things of life. So here is my attempt to live in the moment and not miss these things.....

Wyatt lost his 2nd tooth! And I have to say that this one was no less dramatic or fear-filled than the first. Again, it was dangling by a thread and Matt told Wyatt he was just going to pull it out. Wyatt wasn't even eating food for about a day because he was afraid it would fall out and he didn't want to have any blood or have it 'feel' weird. But we pulled it and it is sitting in a bag with the first tooth in a cupboard in the kitchen, waiting until we have the courage to put it under our pillow for the tooth fairy (which may never happen--and that it just fine!)
He is, however, enjoying all the fun things you can do with food and straws in that nice little gap in his teeth.

A few days ago I was upstairs with the kids playing in our loft area and I said, 'Hey guys, we really need to clean this up. It's getting to be a really big mess." As Sadie was walking from her room through the play area, I said, "Sadie, can you help us pick up?"
She looked at me with a completely straight face and said, "Mom, I'm not a farmer"....then after a long pause which was met with a puzzled look from me, she said, "I'm a dancer"
I still have no idea where this entire conversation came from but I then explained that no matter what she is, she needs to help pick up because she is part of our family. I don't know if it had to do with the fact that she was pretending to be pulling a horse around or thinking that it only gets messy on farms, but I couldn't stop laughing as I told Matt about it later that night!!!