Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sadie's Preschool Christmas Program

You may remember back in the fall when I mentioned how Sadie had been asking to be in a choir. And since we don't have a children's choir at our church, I told her she would be in one at preschool, which seemed to satisfy her desires for the time being. So on Sunday, her 'choir' sang at the church where she attends preschool and they sang for the Christmas program. As you can tell from the pictures, she loved every minute of it.

Ready to start!

We had to sit in the back, due to the activity level of this little guy, but he was quite interested in watching Sadie the entire time she was up there.

They sang a few songs and then the kids sat with their families during a portion of the service before returning to sing at the end. During the sermon, she did what she usually does these days and spent her time 'writing'. I took this picture because I just thought she looked so precious!

Back to sing a few more numbers!

She did a great job and I think I may have to find a 'real' choir for her to sing in next year. Auntie Cam, she has asked if she could sing in a choir with to move up here and sing with her??