Monday, May 24, 2010

A great place to live

Many of our friends and family have known for many years that Matt and I wanted to settle down in the twin cities. We have many good friends who live here and we just love the cities--the entertainment, sports, parks, culture, living 'up north', etc. So we knew that we would love being here. But we didn't expect to love the neighborhood we live in quite as much as we do. I've said it before, but we truly feel so blessed to have bought a house where we did. We live on a street full of GREAT families with GREAT kids who have welcomed our family with open arms. I have so many memories of playing with the kids in my neighborhood growing up and am so glad that my kids will be able to have a similar experience!
Last week I took a few pictures of the kids playing outside on one of the newly excavated lots on our street. (And I am also so thankful that they have ample dirt/fields/woods to explore in!)

Wyatt and Gracie (they will be in Kindergarten together this fall)

The younger kids were so interested in what the big kids had to show them

A note about previous experience with 'big kids' is that they aren't very considerate of the little ones. However, our neighbors are the exact opposite. Their 'big kids' are respectful of adults, polite, and great at looking out for the little kids. I'm sure my kids' constant desire to be with them can get annoying, but they are so patient with them and really look out for them. They are great kids and will be great examples for my kids and as they grow up.

I had to snap a few pictures of Blake as well!! His little toes were just calling out to be photographed!!

Sadie, Gracie, and Wyatt

SO thankful for this....a safe neighborhood, where my kids can freely run and play and not have a care in the world, filled with neighbors who also care for my kids!