Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tired anyone??

Last week was our first week of swimming lessons and T-ball at the same time! Prior to last week they weren't going on simultaneously, but last week was so busy and we were all exhausted. Last Saturday I went upstairs to get ready for my date with my husband before our babysitter came over and this was what I found when I got to the top of the stairs (don't mind the mess in the hallway).......

Apparently Wyatt had gotten up from his nap and made it all the way into the hallway before realizing he was still tired and proceeded to finish his nap there. Matt and I just laughed and laughed as we stood over him sleeping. It just typifies Wyatt's sleep habits; whenever we wakes up, his eyes open wide and he thinks he needs to get up, regardless of how tired he may still be. This is most evident in the morning as he will often get up very early and then be exhausted by 11am. But this day, he just couldn't bring himself to get up quite yet.......so precious! (And I am so glad that we only have one more week of overlapping activities!)