Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things to remember...

I am one of those people who throws everything out or gives it away, rather than keeping things--mostly because I don't like clutter and trying to keep track of thing that seem to have little meaning (or at least won't for a long time). So I have been taking pictures of Wyatt's school projects from the year and had a few I thought I would post.

Wyatt's picture of his family......(he created this curing their 'free coloring' time when they could draw anything they wanted). This was done earlier in the school year, as you'll notice the lack of bodies....just heads, arms, and legs. Blake has only half a body and Sadie seems to be the only one with knees.

This picture came home with him just last week. I was so proud of him for writing our names (he said he couldn't remember how to spell Blake's name) and the few people he got on here actually had bodies this time!

And I am so proud of how great his penmanship (do they still call it that?) has gotten! The kids write their names on these papers each day and for the first half of the year, they traced the letters. But after Christmas, they had to write their names without tracing. And his teacher is very particular that they get it exactly as it appears. The "Y" threw him off for quite awhile, but he's got it now!