Thursday, May 20, 2010


We were in the car last night, on our way to get some ice cream, when matt and I heard Sadie and Wyatt fighting over a pair of sunglasses in the back seat. We didn't turn around to see what was going on, but apparently Sadie had some sunglasses and was doing something with them that Wyatt didn't approve of. (I believe they were his old pair of sunglasses). This is what we heard next, before bursting in to laughter.

Wyatt: "Sadie, there are rules for those sunglasses."

Sadie: no response, but still listening

Wyatt:, "Well, Rule #1 is no biting them. Rule #2 is no putting them on top of your head. Rule #3 is that you have to wear them on your eyes."

Sadie: no verbal response, but continues to do whatever she was doing previously with them.

Wyatt: "SA-die, i told you the rules."

Sadie: no response, drops the glasses a few moments later

Wyatt:"Sadie, there is another rule. Rule #4, no dropping them"


steph said...

so awesome! typical first child :). we are all about the rules!