Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Twins vs. Brewers

Again, I have a bit of blogging to catch up on. We were in Madison all last week for my sister's wedding (more to come on that), but we are back home now and trying to catch up on everything!
Before we left for Madison, we took the kids to their first Minnesota Twins game. They had been so excited about going and were counting down the days. When Saturday rolled around, we were all pretty bummed that it was raining and cold. But by 3pm gametime, the sun was shining and it was about 75 degrees---perfect weather for watching a baseball game outside. And our seats were amazing! (We split season tickets with a bunch of other families but these tickets were given to us by Matt's practice and they were primo!)

Wyatt was so into the game---he knew way more about the game and each player than I thought he would have.

The hometown boy--Joe Mauer

Sadie borrowed Wyatt's glove from him for a bit in an attempt to catch a fly ball

I had to get some action shots.....like I said, our seats were amazing!

This picture was taken somewhere in the 12th inning.....the excitement was electric in the place!

So my camera wasn't able to get a still photo of a 90mph fastball, but it was pretty good!

Joe Mauer #7--also Wyatt's favorite as they share the same number

Justin Morneau #33

Wyatt and Sadie's 1st game during the Inaugural season at Target Field
We had a great time with the kids. The game was a long one, but it worked out perfectly because the kids were starting to get restless around the 7th inning, so we walked around and at the bottom of the 8th, when the Twins were beating the Milwaukee Brewers 6-2, we headed out of the stadium to a nearby restaurant in downtown for some dinner. While we were eating, we heard all kinds of cheering over at the bar. Matt went to check it out and saw that the Brewers had tied up the game and they were going in to extra innings. So we finished our meal, walked back to the stadium, and watched the 12th and 13th innings to watch Joe Mauer score the winning run and beat the Brewers!! It was perfect and the kids loved it. They are still talking about how much fun it was and hopefully it will be a special memory for them.


steph said...

how fun! where was blake???

Anonymous said...

love these pics!!!