Sunday, August 24, 2008

The evidence

Here it is....the evidence that our lovely, sweet, gentle daughter Sadie has been in a room.

Previously perfectly good ipod--now stuck on this screen perpetually

Matt's formerly effective glasses--now less so

Perfectly good Croc----no longer a pair---apparently Sadie thought its mate would be better served in flight out our car window

I guess Sadie thought this child no longer needed the help of its mother
Need we say more? I hope we don't have anymore evidence anytime soon. We've informed her that her college fund is beginning to dwindle.


The Paulk's said...

Oh my that's so funny, reminds me a lot of Riley. We got these nifty child proof handle locks (Target) put on all of our doors for the exact same reason. I hope you don't have any more evidence soon either :).

PS. Mixed messages, yes, definitely but how can I not get out the camera :)??

Sharp Family said...

This post is so funny, I can't stop laughing . . . of course it's easier to laugh when it's not your kid breaking your things:)

Advice Gals said...

I'm going to have to have a little talk with Sades about the throwing of the croc. I searched long and hard for those little things... :)

Mary Jo said...

oh Sadie........lucky for her she's so stinkin' cute! That is funny though (even though it's not funny at the time when it happens).

kara jayne said...

Your captions are priceless. Good thing she's so cute!!